Key Performance Parameters (KPPs)

Key Performance Parameters (KPPs) [Suggest Change]

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Primary Functional Area : Program Management

Definition [Suggest Change]

Performance attributes of a system considered critical or essential to the development of an effective military capability. Failure of a system to meet a validated KPP threshold value triggers a review by the validation authority and evaluation of operational risk and/or military utility of the associated system(s) if KPP threshold values are not met. The review may result in validation of an updated KPP threshold value, modification of production increments, or recommendation for program cancellation.

(Source: Manual for the Operation of the Joint Capabilities Integration and Development System (JCIDS) - Updated February 2015)

General Information/Narrative [Suggest Change]

The CDD and CPD state the operational and sustainment-related performance attributes of a system(s) that provides the capabilities required by the warfighter – attributes so significant they must be verified by testing and evaluation or analysis. KPPs are those attributes or characteristics of a system that are considered critical or essential to the development of an effective military capability and those attributes that make a significant contribution to the characteristics of the future joint force as defined in the CCJO. The CDD and CPD identify the attributes that contribute most significantly to the desired operational capability in threshold-objective format. Whenever possible, attributes should be stated in terms that reflect the range of military operations that the capabilities must support and the joint operating environment intended for the system (family of systems (FoS) or system of systems (SoS)). There are compatibility and interoperability attributes (e.g., databases, fuel, transportability, ammunition) that might need to be identified for a capability to ensure its effectiveness. These statements will guide the acquisition community in making tradeoff decisions between the threshold and objective values of the stated attributes. Because operational testing will assess the ability of the system(s) to meet the production threshold values as defined by the KPPs, Key System Attributes (KSAs), and other performance attributes, these attributes must be testable.

KPPs are those system attributes considered most critical or essential for an effective military capability. The CDD and the CPD must contain sufficient KPPs to capture the minimum operational effectiveness, suitability, and sustainment attributes needed to achieve the overall desired capabilities for the system (or systems if the CDD/CPD describes an SoS) during the applicable increment. Failure to meet a CDD or CPD KPP threshold may result in a reevaluation or reassessment of the program or a modification of the production increments.

(Source: Manual for the Operation of the Joint Capabilities Integration and Development System (JCIDS) - Updated January 2015)

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Page Views 94,520
Created on 4/19/2005
Modified on 5/10/2016
Last Reviewed 5/10/2016