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  Document Libraries

Shared Documents Shared Documents  Share a document with the team by adding it to this document library.  0 4 years ago
Site Assets Site Assets  Use this library to store files which are included on pages within this site, such as images on Wiki pages.  26 5 months ago
Site Pages Site Pages  Use this library to create and store pages on this site.  14 3 months ago

  Picture Libraries

There are no picture libraries.


AboutUs AboutUs    10 4 years ago
Announcements Announcements  Use this list to track upcoming events, status updates or other team news.  1 5 years ago
Calendar Calendar  Use the Calendar list to keep informed of upcoming meetings, deadlines, and other important events.  0 5 years ago
LeftNavLinks LeftNavLinks    8 4 years ago
Links Links  Use the Links list for links to Web pages that your team members will find interesting or useful.  0 5 years ago
NCR Locations NCR Locations    15 3 months ago
Tasks Tasks  Use the Tasks list to keep track of work that you or your team needs to complete.  0 5 years ago

  Discussion Boards

Team Discussion Team Discussion  Use the Team Discussion list to hold newsgroup-style discussions on topics relevant to your team.  0 5 years ago


There are no surveys.

  Sites and Workspaces

SharePoint Site Careers  2 years ago
SharePoint Site Professional  3 months ago
SharePoint Site Quality and Safety Performance Reports  Quality and Safety Performance Reports 5 months ago

  Recycle Bin

Recycle Bin Recycle Bin  Use this page to restore items that you have deleted from this site, or to empty deleted items. 0