Deaf/Hard of Hearing

Hearing conditions may include otosclerosis, tinnitus, and deafness.  Limitations can include the inability to hear certain volumes, tones or frequencies, ringing in the ears, or the inability to hear anything at all.

The categories listed below include products that can assist individuals with any number of limitations resulting from hearing conditions.  Because there are so many potential solutions for hearing limitations, CAP cannot list all possible accommodations.  The products listed below present a variety of unique features to accommodate an array of limitations and are most often certified for use on federal agencies’ networks.

Accommodation Services (1)

If an individual does not know which solutions will meet their needs, a needs assessment may help determine what items will assist in performing the essential job functions.

Amplified Telephone Equipment (3)

Amplified telephone equipment is used to assist individuals who have hearing limitations that prevent them from accomplishing essential job tasks.  They accomplish this by allowing an individual to adjust the sound coming through the phone by increasing the volume and/or adjusting the tone and frequency of the sound heard through the individual’s telephone handset.

Assistive Listening Devices (15)

Assistive listening devices are used to assist individuals who have hearing limitations that prevent them from accomplishing essential job tasks.  They accomplish this by allowing an individual to amplify sounds in their environment to a volume they are able to perceive.  Assistive listening device can work with or without hearing aids, depending on the specifications of the product and the requirements of the individual.

AT Demonstration Video - Assistive Listening Devices
Learn about how Assistive Listening Devices (ALDs) can help employees with hearing limitations

Deaf-to-Hearing Communication (4)

Deaf-to-Hearing communication devices are used to assist individuals who are deaf or hard of hearing communicate with other individuals so they can accomplish essential job tasks.  These devices accomplish this by allowing and individual to increase the speed and clarity of face to face communication through various methods.

Interpreting Services (1)

CAP provides sign language, oral and tactile interpreting services for Department of Defense (DoD) employees who are deaf and hard of hearing who attend job related training courses lasting two days or longer, but not to exceed two weeks. CAP has specific requirements that must be met in order to provide sign language, oral and tactile interpreting services. All requests will be reviewed on a case by case basis.

Real-Time Captioning Service (1)

CAP provides CART services for Department of Defense (DoD) employees who are deaf and hard of hearing who attend job related training courses lasting two days or longer, but not to exceed two weeks. CAP has specific requirements that must be met in order to provide CART services. All requests will be reviewed on a case by case basis.

Signaling Devices (1)

Signaling Devices are used to assist individuals who have hearing limitations that prevent them from accomplishing essential job functions.  They accomplish this by allowing an individual to have a visual indication that their phone is ringing.

Telephone Headsets and Handsets (8)

Telephone headsets and handsets are used to assist individual who have dexterity or hearing limitations that prevent them from accomplishing essential job tasks.  They accomplish this by allowing an individual to speak on the phone without holding the handset, or providing additional amplification of the voices heard over the phone.

TTY/Voice Carry-over Telephones (3)

TTY Voice Carry-over Telephones are used to assist individuals who have hearing limitations that prevent them from accomplishing essential job functions.  They accomplish this by allowing an individual to amplify the sound of voice calls, while also having the ability to see the conversation appear in captions on a screen during the call.

TTYs (3)

TTYs are text telephones and they are used to assist individuals who have hearing limitations that prevent them from accomplishing essential job tasks.  They accomplish this by allowing an individual to use a telephone line to type and receive messages in text.  This allows individuals with hearing limitations the ability to communicate with others, even if the other individuals do not have a hearing limitation.

Video Communications Devices (1)

Video Communication Devices are used to assist individuals who have hearing limitations that prevent them from accomplishing essential job tasks.  They accomplish this by allowing an individual to use sign language to communicate with others on the phone.  The video communication devices allow an individual to speak directly with others who know sign language or with individuals who do not know sign langue through a relay interpreter.

AT Demonstration Video - Video Phones
Learn how Video Phones can help employees with hearing limitations.