Mr. William J. Wesley assumed duties as the Director, Plans and Policy, U.S. Pacific Fleet in January 2001. As the N5, Wesley acts as the principal advisor to the Commander on matters of policy and planning development regarding foreign engagement, strategic planning, operational research, and Joint and Navy doctrine. In this capacity, the N5 supports the Commander’s Strategic Plan by leading a diverse organization that translates national political-military strategy and policy into Pacific Fleet objectives; develops and articulates Fleet input into regional and national political-military strategy and policy; formulates and conducts the Pacific Fleet Research, Analyses and War Game Program, which is responsible for resourcing, training, and sustaining naval operational forces for the Pacific Theater; and acts as policy coordinator and planner for conventional and nuclear war plans issues, strategic planning, theater security cooperation planning, foreign engagement, combating weapons of mass destruction, humanitarian civic assistance planning, and pandemic influenza planning.

Wesley was selected for appointment to the Senior Executive Service (SES) in July 2005.

As the N5, he is the chief architect for the coordination and preparation of the Pacific Fleet input into U.S. Pacific Command’s Theater Campaign Plan, which supports the Secretary of Defense’s priorities for creating new partnerships, coalitions and building the capacity of existing international friends, allies and partners to support confidence building measures throughout the Indo-Asia-Pacific rim. The N5 provides Fleet recommendations to support PACOM’s theater engagement strategy for the 36 nations in the Indo-Asia-Pacific, and is responsible for guiding the development of regional military-to-military relationships among senior U.S. Navy and Indo-Asia-Pacific international military staffs. The N5 is also responsible for ensuring the analysis and review of data related to political-military situations in the Indo-Asia-Pacific region supports planning efforts relative to potential contingency operations, non-combatant evacuation operations, and humanitarian civic assistance. Because of the importance of the United States’ relationship with Japan, the N5 is a key advocate in discussions with the Japanese government in support of the Defense Policy Review Initiative, a major Defense Department policy which will drive the future basing and force posture in Japan, our premier ally in the Pacific.

Wesley is also the primary advisor to the Commander in the analysis, development, synchronization, and sustainment of Operations Plans (OPLANs) and Contingency Plans (CONPLANs) that advance Combatant Commanders’ plans for maintaining security and prosperity throughout the Indo-Asia-Pacific region. In this capacity, the N5 must address heightened regional tensions with analysis of action/reaction/counter-action moves and mitigate the risks associated with operational planning and execution across the full range of military operations. Moreover, the N5 directs and oversees the development of supporting plans for wartime and crisis response actions in support of two geographic Combatant Commanders (PACOM/NORTHCOM), while ensuring full understanding of trans-regional influence planning with CENTCOM to assure appropriate actions are effective in the Indian Ocean.

He previously served in the U.S. Marine Corps for 35 years where attained the grade of Colonel. He served a ground combat tour in Vietnam, and after commissioning, was designated both a Naval Flight Officer, and later as a Naval Aviator flying RF4B/F4/OA4M aircraft. After retiring in July 2000, he accepted a civilian government service position in January 2001.

Wesley graduated with a bachelor’s of arts degree in History from Pepperdine University where he graduated Magna Cum Laude, and a master’s degree in Public Administration from the University of Oklahoma where he was appointed to the National Honor Society for academic excellence.

Wesley’s personal decorations include 3 Legion of Merits, 3 Meritorious Service Medals, a Navy Achievement Medal, and the Combat Action ribbon, as well as various service medals, commendations and citations to include the Navy Superior Civilian Service Award and Navy Meritorious Civilian Service Award.