Director: (580) 442-3712 DSN 639

Office: (580) 442-5836/2943/4524/5554

4700 Mow-Way Rd.
Suite 463
Fort Sill, OK 73503-9004


Be the premier source to decision-makers for professional, objective, timely and relevant information, and develop strategies for achieving continuous organizational improvement and accountability.


To provide Commanders with in-house, reliable, timely, professional review and consulting/advisory services that promote improved risk management and foster stewardship through best business practices.


- IRAC's responsibilities are to:

  • Serve as the Command’s principal adviser on all audit matters
  • Direct, manage, and execute a full range of internal review evaluation services
  • Review the execution of management's internal controls to ensure efficient and effective operational business practices
  • Serve as the installation liaison with external audit organizations, including the Government Accountability Office, Department of Defense Inspector General, U.S. Army Audit Agency and other HQ Internal Review offices

- Types of Services:

Internal reviews can assist managers by identifying specific problems, the cause of the problems, impact of the problems on operations, and recommendations to correct identified problems. Internal review objectives usually include one or more of the following criteria:
  • Compliance with laws and regulations
  • Financial Operations
  • Economy & Efficiency
  • Program Results

- Formal Reviews (Full Scope)

Performance or financial reviews based on objectives provided by functions or organizations within the command. This type of review provides an in-depth evaluation of an activity, function, mission, or project. The review scope is broad and usually provides the most information to the requestor but is also the most time consuming.

- Time Critical Reviews

These reviews address specific time-sensitive critical issues with significant command interest. Generally, this type of review will have a narrow scope and provide commanders a response within a designated timeframe. These reviews can be conducted before command makes a decision or implements an action to help ensure management fully identifies and considers all potential factors before making a decision. This type of review can help establish an appropriate mechanism to identify, capture, and document all costs and other factors associated with an issue.

- Consulting/Advisory Services

Services which provide advice for objective command decision making. These services can include items such as studies, analyses, information gathering, cost analysis, internal control reviews.

- Follow-Up Reviews

Reviews conducted to determine whether significant recommendations from prior audit reports (internal and external) have been implemented.

- Liaison Services

Provide command liaison with all external audit organizations. IRAC's Liaison and Compliance responsibilities are to:
  • Arrange entrance conferences, discussions, and exit conferences with external audit organizations and the appropriate organization offices
  • Mediate the resolution of disagreements between command and/or management and the auditors relative to audit results, as needed
  • Ensure that Fort Sill official command replies to draft findings and recommendations are reviewed for accuracy, adequacy, and responsiveness; have been properly coordinated with responsible HQ elements; and meet assigned suspense dates
  • Establish and maintain a recommendation tracking system and an effective follow-up system on both internal review and external audit and investigative reports
  • Conduct follow-up reviews to verify implementation of agreed-to recommendations to determine if corrective actions are effective

- Requesting a Review

IRAC requests review suggestions annually at the end of each FY. However, you can request a review at any time by contacting the Director.