

Audio/Visual Equipment Services

Fort Knox VIC provides audio-visual equipment such as projectors, screens, podiums and portable PA systems to authorized users in the Fort Knox area of support as a service. Click here to view the Audio/Visual Equipment Catalog. Portable sound support for unit level activities and functions are supported by temporary loan and issue of required equipment. Customers requesting equipment of video projectors, sound equipment, speakers, podiums, and similar equipment must have an authorized hand receipt record on file with the VIC. All requests must be submitted at the Visual Information Ordering Site. Customers must have an established hand receipt account with VIC in order to utilize this service. Please call the number below for more information.

Contact Information

Graphics Services

All requests for Graphics Services are transferred to the Enterprise Multimedia Center, Fort Eustis, VA for completion. All Graphics Services require reimbursable. All work order requests for Graphic support must be submitted at the Visual Information Ordering Site.

Photography Services

The VIC Photo mission is to provide photo documentation of significant events, functions, and training, on and off post and provide official photography such as DA photos, Head and Shoulder and Chain of Command photos. All requests must be submitted at the Visual Information Ordering Site.

Official DA Photo

It is the mission and responsibility of VIC to ensure that all Fort Knox military personnel receive the best official military personnel (DA 201) photograph possible to reflect credit upon the soldier and the U.S. Army. Only authorized VIC activities may take official DA photographs, as required by AR 640-30. VIC activities will take active measures to ensure the accuracy and integrity of all digital official DA photographs. The photographer will not give the soldier a digital file copy.

The only uniform authorized for official photographs is the Class-A (Blue or Green) Army Service Uniform. To ensure the highest quality image is taken, the soldier is responsible for ensuring that his or her uniform fits properly and that all ribbons/medals are correctly displayed for official military photographs. The VIC photographer will take two DA images of each soldier. The soldier will have the opportunity to approve their choice of these two. If neither of these is acceptable, the photographer will immediately take two more exposures if the discrepancy has been resolved. The soldier will then have the opportunity to approve one of these two. There will be no further re-shoots. Re-shoots will only be done if images are damaged or if major discrepancies are identified, such as unacceptable levels of moiré (object stair-stepping) in digital photographs. Natural wrinkles from wearing of the uniform are acceptable per AR 640-30 and are not justification for a re-shoot. Reshoots will only be authorized with the submission of a written request from the Soldier's Commanding Officer.

DA Photo Information

  • Hours: Monday - Friday 7:45 AM - 3:30 PM
    • Make appointment and submit work order at the Visual Information Ordering Site.
    • All DA Photo services are provided by appointment only with approved work order in Photo Studio (basement of Bldg 5101 - Offner Hall).
    • Dressing rooms are available at the Photo Studio.
    • Digital images are uploaded to DAPMIS within 24 hours.
    • Specific TPU's still require hardcopies.
    • Warrant Officer Application, OCS Application and certain other applications may require hardcopies.
    • Hardcopies can be picked up in Photo Studio.

Head and Shoulders Photo Information

Fort Knox VIC provides photo studio support for Chain of Command (1SG and above), NCO, Soldier and Civilian of the Quarter and Year, Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) and Equal Opportunity (EO) representatives.

  • Hours: Monday - Friday 7:45 AM - 3:30 PM
    • Make appointment and submit work order at the Visual Information Ordering Site.
    • Head and Shoulder Photos by appointment only with approved work order.
    • Dressing rooms are available at the Photo Studio.
    • Expect photographic prints within 5 days or less.

    NOTE: Please note that your appointment time is exactly when your photo will be taken. In order for us to serve each and every customer equally, you must arrive with enough time to prepare yourself (i.e. If it takes you 20 minutes to get dressed then you need to arrive 20 to 30 minutes prior to your photo appointment.) To avoid any possible delays caused by waiting for an open dressing room, you may want to arrive ready with your jacket on a hanger. Please call if you will not be able to keep your appointment. There are others that would gladly take the open slot.

Contact Information

Presentation Support Services

Fort Knox VIC provides portable presentation support for Battalion level and above official events. All requests must be submitted at the Visual Information Ordering Site. Presentation support includes major Garrison Installation Events, Command Programs, Conferences and Symposiums, conducted during the normal duty day, (7:30 AM - 4:30 PM) Monday thru Friday. In accordance with the VIC Standard Level of Support, C4IM and Fort Knox Inter-Service Support Agreements, those activities that require presentation support after normal duty hours must provide reimbursement.

Video Production Services

Fort Knox VIC provides event documentation and local video production. The television production mission and function is to support the Installation Garrison, Senior Mission Commander, public affairs and command information. VIC operates the Fort Knox Command Channel. Requests to place material on the Fort Knox Command Channel must be coordinated through the Fort Knox Public Affairs Office prior to completing a VIOS work order. All requests must be submitted at the Visual Information Ordering Site.


  • Non-Linear Editing
  • Studio Productions
  • Multi-Camera Mobile Television Unit
  • Command Channel
  • Duplication
  • Digital Effects, Graphics, & Animation


Contact Information

Contact Information

Fort Knox
Visual Information Center

Old Ironsides Avenue
Gaffey Hall, Bldg 2369
Fort Knox, Kentucky 40121

VIC Manager
Telephone: 502-624-3882
DSN: 312-464-3882

Work Request/Order Coordinator
Telephone: 502-624-3725
DSN: 312-464-3725

Fax: 502-624-4802

Audio/Visual Equipment Services
Telephone: 502-624-2854
DSN: 312-464-2854

Graphics Services
Telephone: 502-624-3882
Telephone: 502-624-3725
DSN: 312-464-3882/3725

Photography Services
Location: Offner Hall, Bldg 5101
Telephone: 502-624-2226
Telephone: 502-624-5076
Telephone: 502-624-5748
DSN: 312-464-2226/5076/5748

Presentation Support & Video Production Services
Location: Gaffey Hall, Bldg 2369
Telephone: 502-624-1547
Telephone: 502-624-7566
Telephone: 502-624-6946
DSN: 312-464-1547/7566/6946