Redleg Update
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From the Commandant’s Desk
Mission Command and the Field Artillery Vision are designed to keep the Force on course “In this edition of the Redleg Update, I want to highlight three information papers I sent out to Field Artillery leaders in August that discuss key elements of mission command”... More »
131A Mission Command/Sensor (System Integrator)
Field Artillery Warrant Officers slated for transition from Radar Technicians to Targeting Techicians by 2017 “As the Field Artillery branch continues to modernize, the MOS 131A, Field Artillery Targeting Technician is also undergoing an modernization”... More »
Advanced Field Artillery Tactical Data System gets dramatic upgrade
“With new software upgrades to include version, the Fires Mission Command System (AFATDS), will now have increased capabilities allowing it to dramatically improve integration of organic and joint targeting sensors and effective data sharing of Army and Joint Mission Command systems”... More »
Update on the Joint Air Ground Integration Center
“The JAGIC collocates decision making authorities from the land and air components at the highest tactical echelon to support the maneuver commander’s concept of operations"... More »
Update on the Joint Operational Fires and Effects Course
“The Joint Operational Fires and Effects Course (JOFEC) is designed to educate leaders from all services on Joint capabilities and targeting methodology to create both lethal and non-lethal effects”... More »
From the Desk of the Field Artillery CSM
Knox, Hamilton and Gruber 2016 “The deadline for the United States Army Field Artillery School’s Knox, Hamilton and Gruber award program is almost here. On Nov. 1, by close of business, all nomination packets must be received by the Field Artillery Proponent Office located at Fort Sill, Okla. As the deadline nears, the question we must often get is…what should be in the packet?”... More »