Wild Land Fires


Fort Knox firefighters, with assistance from several surrounding fire departments, recently battled blazes that scorched more than 12,000 acres.

Wild land fires can be very difficult when you consider the terrain, and we were fortunate not to have had any injuries. A large part of wild land fire fighting is heavy labor with hand tools used to cut fire breaks, cutting down trees to prevent the fire from spreading, and much more. We attribute the fact there were no injuries to our safety and physical fitness programs.

The 2-147 Aviation Battalion of the Kentucky Air National Guard also gave assistance with two Blackhawk helicopters that made more than 200-bucket drops (712 gallons each) of water. This was helpful to prevent the further spread of the fire, however when a fire is a mile or longer, extinguishing it with water is not always practical. The most effective way to control fires of this size is to create a barrier from the unburned area by removing the fuel the fire needs to spread, and then to let the fire burn itself out.

Standard Firefighting Orders

  • Stay informed on fire weather conditions and forecasts.
  • Know what your fire is doing at all times.
  • Base all actions on current and expected behavior of thefire.
  • Identify escape routes and safety zones and make themknown.
  • Post lookouts when there is possible danger.
  • Be alert. Keep calm. Think clearly. Act decisively.
  • Maintain prompt communications with your forces, yoursupervisor, and adjoining forces.
  • Give clear instructions and ensure they are understood.
  • Maintain control of your forces at all times.
  • Fight fire aggressively, having provided for safety first.


Fort Knox
Fire Station One

Old Ironsides Avenue, Bldg 469
Fort Knox, Kentucky 40121

Telephone: 502-624-6016
Telephone: 502-624-1876
Telephone: 502-624-6032
DSN: 464-6016/1876/6032

Fax: 502-624-1391



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