Security & Intelligence Division



The Security & Intelligence Division serves as the principal staff office of the command responsible for matters related to intelligence and information security. The chief of the division serves as the command’s Senior Intelligence Officer (SIO) and is the Career Program Manager for CP35, Defense Civilian Intelligence Personnel System (DCIPS). Specific responsibilities of the division include: security clearances; coordination of foreign visits and information disclosure to foreign nations; access to classified information and activities; storage of classified information; destruction of classified media, security.

Contact Information

  • G2
    Telephone: (502) 624-6170
    DSN: 464-6170

    Telephone: (502) 624-7186
    DSN: 464-7186

    Telephone: (502) 624-1425
    DSN: 464-1425

    Telephone: (502) 624-1655
    DSN: 464-1655

    Industrial Security
    Telephone: (502) 624-2552
    DSN: 464-2552

    Intel Productions
    Telephone: (502) 624-6083
    DSN: 464-6083


Fort Knox Directorate of Plans, Training, Mobilization and Security
Fort Knox, Kentucky 40121