MICC-Fort Sill Mission

The Mission & Installation Contracting Command (MICC) provides contracting support to the U.S Army Fires Center of Excellence (FCOE), Installation Management Command (IMCOM), U.S. Army Forces Command (FORSCOM) & tenant units visited on Fort Sill.

MICC-Fort Sill Vision

Deliver on a timely basis the best value product or service to the customer, while maintaining the public's trust and fulfilling public policy objectives and provide career management for the contracting professionals assigned to the MICC.

Attention DRM A/OPC Purchase Card Online System - White Paper (PDF)

Management Account Flow Chart (PDF)

Acess Online Training Tools - (PowerPoint)

Contract Requirements Submission Goals 15 - (PDF)

Army Contracting Command - COR Policy Guide - (PDF)

Virtual Contracting Enterprise (VCE) COR Overview - (PDF)

VCE COR Frequently Asked Questions - (Word)

Acquisition Instructions (FS Reg 715-1)" - (PDF)

Visit the following sites for contracting opportunities.

Army Single Face Industry



Contact Information

1803 NW Macomb Road

Fort Sill, OK 73503-4433

Office Phone: 580-442-6561

Fax Machine: 580-442-3819


Email Us

General Information

Small Business Support

When submitting your Purchase Request to DOC for processing please ensure that the applicable documents below accompany your submission.  This (Checklist) will help you determine which documents are applicable


Independent Government Estimates -

Independent Government Estimate Deskbook (DOC)

Independent Government Estimate Guidance (DOC)

IGE Template - Supplies (DOC)

IGE Template - Services (DOC)


Defining Requirements -

Performance Work Statement Guidance (DOC)

Brand Name Guidance (DOC)


Justifications -

Request for Approval of Unauthorized Commitment (PDF)

MICC Exception to Fair Opportunity Exceeding $650K - Jan 2015 (DOCX)

MICC Federal Supply Schedule Limited Source Justification FAR Part 8 Exceeding $650K - Nov 2014 (DOC)

FAR 13.501 Commericial Test Program SCA and HCA Approval (DOC)

MICC J&A FAR Part 6 Exceeding $650K - Nov 2014 (DOCX)

MICC Sole Source Justification NTE $150K - Nov 2014. (DOCX)

MICC J&A NTE $650K for other than Simplified Acquisition Procedures - Nov 2014 (DOCX)


Office Relocation Requirements -

Office Relocation Cheklist (DOC)

Sample Moving List (DOC)

Sample Moving Statement of Work (DOC)


Receiving Reports -

Receiving Report Instructions (DOC)


Contract Security Classification Specification (DD254) -

DD254 Instructions (DOC)


Contracting Officers's Representative (COR) -

Government Contractor Surveillance Instruction (PDF)

Instruction for Contractor Non-conforming Services and Supplies (PDF)


Quality Assurance Surveillence Plan (QASP) -

HQ QA Sample QASP Template (DOCX)

Government Purchase Card Program

How Do I.........?


Contact the Fort Sill POC for the GPC:
For questions concerning the GPC Program, please contact the Directorate of Contracting Agency Program Coordinator at :

Telephone: 580-442-5229
Fax: 580-442-3819

1803 Macomb Road
Fort Sill, OK 73503
Email: mailto:usarmy.sill.acc-micc.mbx.credit-card-inbox@mail.mil

Get a Government Purchase Card Account

Training Links:

Training Instructions

Access Web-based Training
DAU Training
Fort Sill Training
Refresher Training Link

Change or Terminate a Cardholder or Billing Official:
*Card holder must turn in their GPC to DOC Bldg. 1803*
To terminate/convert a Billing official, send an e-mail to the Agency Program Coordinator 60 days prior to leave date at: usarmy.sill.acc-micc.mail.credit-card-inbox@mail.mil

Identify the appointee by:
Full Name

Army GPC Operating Procedures

MICC GPC Operating Procedures

Look at Frequently Asked Questions and Answers

Get Help on Something not Covered Above:
Send an e-mail to the Agency Program Coordinator at: usarmy.sill.acc-micc.mail.credit-card-inbox@mail.mil



| GPC Setup Form | MICC Outprocessing Form | DD577 Form |

Contracting News

MG Johnson Memorandum - Army commitment to support socioeconomic programs - Small Business (PDF)

Government Purchase Card - Billing Cycle changed to the 19th of every month (PDF)

Elimination of credit check for Government Purchase Card (DOC)

Use of Third Party Payments - Policy Change (PDF)


Provide responsive, innovative and efficient procurement solutions to enable the Army's global warfighting dominance.

DoD's preeminent provider of decisive edge contracting solutions and practices.



Please use the following link to view your purchase request status. LINK