


The Fort Sill CPAC is on the fifth floor of the Welcome Center, 4700 Mow-Way Road. We are open 7:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. Monday thru Friday EXCEPT for Tuesday afternoons when we are closed for training.

Fort Sill CPAC uses the "USA Jobs" Website for all job vacancies, civil service and non-appropriate funds. Job vacancies for nonappropriated jobs no longer are posted on bulletin boards across post. Use this link to view Department of Defense job vacancies on Fort Sill.

Positions must be open and/or announced in order for a resume or an application (DA Form 3433) to be accepted unless you have previously been employed by any NAFI within the past three years. Receipt of the resume or application does not imply a guarantee of appointment and the same qualification requirements apply to all applicants. Positions are filled on the principle of merit. Employees are hired, promoted, and reassigned based on their qualifications for the job. The merit principle of selection means candidates for positions compete and selection is based on qualifications and priority preference. Fair and open competition will be used to ensure equal opportunity and applicants will not be discriminated against because of their race, religion, sex, national origin, age, or handicapped condition. There are, however, priority selection preferences, which are as follows:

Spouse Employment Preference (SEP)
This preference enables a military family member to have selection priority. SEP application must be attached to job application. In order to be entitled, the family member must have accompanied the military service member to this installation and the assignment must exceed 12 months. The family member's name should appear on the PCS orders authorizing travel to Fort Sill. If the applicant's name does not appear on the orders, then proof of marriage must be attached (a copy of marriage certificate or military ID card) along with a copy of the orders.

Involuntarily Separated Member (ISM)
An ISM is a prior military service member who was involuntarily separated from the service. This enables a military service member as well as his/her family members to have preference over all other applicants except SEP's. Proof of eligibility must be furnished: DD 214 (member copy #4) for the service member and DD 1173 (ID Card) for the family member.

Current and Former NAF Employees (CNE & FNE)
A CNE is an employee who is currently working for Non-appropriated Funds. A FNE is a former employee who previously worked for Non-appropriated Funds regardless of dates of prior employment or location (Fort Sill or any other military installation).

Outside Applicant, Veteran OAV)
An OAV is an applicant who joined the military service and served at least six months prior to 15 October 1976. A copy of DD Form 214 (member copy #4) must accompany the job application. This priority is granted whether or not the service member retired from the military as long as the discharge was "honorable".

Outside Applicant, Non-veteran (OANV)
All OANV is an applicant who does not fall into the categories indicated above. If the applicant is a retired military service member, a copy of DD Form 214 (member copy #4) must accompany the job application and employment cannot be granted for 180 days after the military retirement date (AR 215-3, 2-16g). If the applicant did not retire, but previously served in the military regardless of the number of years, then a copy of DD Form 214 (member copy #4) is also required.

A former NAF employee may apply for reinstatement as long as the separation/resignation from the previous NAF position occurred within the past three years. A copy of DA Form 3434 showing the nature of action as a separation/resignation must accompany the job application. Reinstatement eligibility entitles an applicant to be placed into a position of the same or lower grade as the one previously held. An applicant cannot be reinstated into higher graded positions. In addition, this option does not guarantee selection. It simply allows the applicant to be non-competitively referred and considered for a position without a guarantee of employment.

REGULAR FULL-TIME - A regular full-time employee serves in a continuing position on a scheduled basis with a basic workweek of 40 hours. REGULAR PART-TIME - A regular part-time employee serves in a continuing position on a scheduled basis with a guarantee of at least 20 hours per week. The employee can be scheduled anywhere from 20-39 hours per week. All regular positions entitle employees to annual/sick leave accrual and benefits (health care, life insurance, retirement, and 401k savings plan). FLEXIBLE - A flexible employee serves in a continuing position with a basic workweek of 0-40 hours. Schedules may include evenings, weekends, and holidays. There are no guaranteed hours in this category nor is the employee entitled to annual/sick leave accrual or benefits.