Blind/Low Vision

Vision conditions may include nearsightedness or farsightedness, glaucoma, cataracts, macular degeneration, retinopathy or the absence of any sight at all resulting in total blindness.  Limitations could include blurriness, blind spots, floaters, tunnel vision or any other visual disturbances.

The categories listed below include products that can assist individuals with any number of limitations resulting from vision conditions.  Because there are so many potential solutions for vision limitations, CAP cannot list all possible accommodations.  The products listed below present a variety of unique features to accommodate an array of limitations and are most often certified for use on federal agencies’ networks.

Audio Output Devices (E-Reader) (1)

Audio Output Devices (E-Readers) are used to assist individuals who have vision limitations that prevent them from accomplishing essential job tasks.  They accomplish this by allowing an individual to convert text to speech.  The E-Reader will allow digital text, typically found in books, to be read aloud to the individual.

Braille Displays (4)

Braille displays are used to assist individuals who have vision limitations that prevent them from accomplishing essential job tasks.  They accomplish this by allowing an individual to read content from word processing documents, databases, spreadsheet applications and the internet in refreshable Braille.  These displays allow someone to feel the Braille one line at a time.  The Braille displays are used in conjunction with screen readers and allow individuals who are Braille literate to interact with content in a more precise way than solely listening to speech output.

AT Demonstration Video - Braille Display
Learn more about this technology in our Braille display product demonstration video.

Braille Embossers (1)

Braille Embossers are used to assist individuals who have vision limitations that prevent them from accomplishing essential job tasks.  They accomplish this by acting as a printer that creates tactile Braille cells instead of written text.  When used in conjunction with Braille translation software, a document can be embossed, making Braille production more efficient and available to individuals who are Braille literate.

Braille Translators (1)

Braille Translators are used to assist individuals who have vision limitations that prevent them from accomplishing essential job tasks.  The Braille translators accomplish this by allowing an individual who is blind to translate text into Braille code, and then send the information to a Braille embosser which produces a hard copy of the text in Braille.

CCTV (6)

A closed-circuit television (CCTV) is used to assist individuals who have vision limitations that prevent them from accomplishing essential job tasks.  They accomplish this by allowing an individual to view printed material in a size, color and contrast they can see.  A CCTV utilizes a camera and a monitor to display real time images of the documents, while the individual controls the focus, magnification, and screen preference settings.

AT Demonstration Video - Closed Circuit Televisions
Learn about how Closed Circuit Televisions (CCTVs) can help employees with vision limitations.

Large Print Keyboards (3)

Large print keyboards are used to assist individuals who have vision limitations that prevent them from accomplishing essential job tasks.  They accomplish this by allowing an individual to see the keys on the keyboard in a larger size and with a higher color contrast.  Some are specifically designed to work with screen magnification software and provide shortcut commands which allow users to control software directly from the keyboard.

Monitors (3)

Large monitors are used to assist individuals who have vision limitations that prevent them from accomplishing essential job tasks.  They accomplish this by allowing an individual to see more information on a single screen or by allowing enlarged content to be visible on the screen.


Notetakers (10)

Notetakers are used to assist individuals who have vision limitations that prevent them from accomplishing essential job tasks.  They accomplish this by allowing an individual to input information through the required keyboard (QWERTY or Perkins style Braille keyboard) and obtain information in the required format (audio output or refreshable Braille display cells).

Portable CCTV (6)

Portable CCTVs are used to assist individuals who have vision limitations that prevent them from accomplishing essential job tasks.  Portable CCTVs accomplish this by allowing an individual to magnify hard copy materials that contain text that is too small to see by the individual.  The Portable CCTV may also come with additional features, such as color contrast, that assists in viewing printed hard copy materials.  A Portable CCTV’s compact size allows it to be taken to and used from multiple work locations.

Scanner (1)

Scanners are used to assist individuals who have vision limitations that prevent them from accomplishing essential job tasks.  They accomplish this by allowing an individual to convert hard copy documents into an electronic format.  Converting hard copy documents into an electronic format will allow individuals to use other forms of assistive technology to give them information in an accessible format so they can accomplish their essential job functions.

Scanner/Reader (4)

Scanner/Readers are used to assist individuals who have vision limitations that prevent them from accomplishing essential job tasks.  They accomplish this by allowing an individual to scan hard copy information and convert it into an electronic image.  The reader software can take the electronic image and use Optical Character Recognition (OCR) to convert the image into text.  After this conversion takes place, the text can be read aloud or in Braille.  Certain software is intended to function with specific scanners; however, some are interchangeable based on the needs of the individual.

AT Demonstration Video - Scanner/Readers
Learn about how Scanner/Readers can help employees with vision limitations

Screen Magnification (3)

Screen magnification software is used to assist individuals who have vision limitations that prevent them from accomplishing essential job tasks.  Screen magnification software accomplishes this by allowing individuals to enlarge text and graphics on a computer screen.  The software is loaded onto an individual’s computer and functions as a magnifying glass on the computer screen.  Screen magnification software often comes with additional capabilities, such as text-to-speech, various color contrast modes and changing the visual display of items on the screen, such as the cursor or insertion point in a document.

AT Demonstration Video - Screen Magnification/Reader Software
Learn how screen magnification software can assist individuals with low vision.

Screen Readers (2)

Screen Readers are used to assist individuals who have vision limitations that prevent them from accomplishing essential job tasks.  They accomplish this by allowing an individual to hear information from the computer instead of reading it from a monitor.  The screen reader provides information from the computer through audio output.

Voice Recorders (1)

Voice Recorders are devices that use a microphone to record audio information and save it in a digital format.  They can sort audio files into folders, play back information and download the information on a computer.