Special Forces Regimental Crest

U.S. Army Special Forces Regiment

Special Forces traces its roots as the Army’s premier proponent of unconventional warfare from the Operational Groups and Jedburgh teams of the Office of Strategic Services.

The OSS was formed in World War II to gather intelligence and conduct operations behind enemy lines in support of resistance groups in Europe and Burma. After the war, individuals such as Col. Aaron Bank, Col. Wendell Fertig and Lt. Col. Russell Volckmann used their wartime OSS experience to formulate the doctrine of unconventional warfare that became the cornerstone of the Special Forces. In the Army’s official Lineage and Honors, the Special Forces Groups are linked to the regiments of the First Special Service Force, an elite combined Canadian-American unit that fought in North Africa, Italy and Southern France.

Special Forces grew out of the establishment of the Special Operations Division of the Psychological Warfare Center activated at Fort Bragg, N.C. in May 1952. In June of 1952, the 10th Special Forces Group (Airborne) was established under Col. Aaron Bank. Concurrently with this was the establishment of the Psychological Warfare School, which ultimately became today’s John F. Kennedy Special Warfare Center and School. The 10th Special Forces Group (Airborne) deployed to Bad Tolz, Germany in September 1953. The remaining cadre at Fort Bragg formed the 77th Special Forces Group, which in May 1960 became today’s 7th Special Forces Group. The intervening years saw the number of Special Forces Groups rise and fall.

Special Forces Soldiers first saw combat in 1953 as individuals deployed from 10th SFG to Korea. These men worked with the partisan forces conducting operations behind the enemy lines. In the late 1950s and early 1960s, teams of Special Forces Soldiers deployed to Laos to work with the Royal Laotian Army. Operation WHITE STAR was the precursor to Special Forces operations in Viet Nam. In Viet Nam, Special Forces teams worked as advisors to the Vietnamese Army and the Civilian Irregular Defense Forces, trained and led quick reaction units called Mike Forces and conducted cross-border operations as the Studies and Observation Group, MACV-SOG. 5th Special Forces Group was formed as the requirement for Special Forces troops grew. In the 14 years Special Forces were in Viet Nam, they established a record for bravery and proficiency second to none.

The three decades following Vietnam witnessed Special Forces participation in virtually every campaign fought by the U.S. Army. In Grenada, Haiti, Panama and in the Balkans, Special Forces teams conducted unconventional warfare operations in support of the regular Army. In Operation DESERT STORM, Gen. Norman H. Schwarzkopf described the Special Forces as “the eyes and ears” of the conventional forces and the “glue that held the coalition together.” In the post 9-11 Global War on Terrorism, Special Forces teams were instrumental in establishing the Northern Alliance coalition that ousted the Taliban government in Afghanistan in Operation ENDURING FREEDOM and were critical to the success of the Coalition ground campaign in Iraq. In Operation IRAQI FREEDOM, Special Forces teams trained and fought with the Kurds in northern Iraq, cleared the western desert of SCUD missiles and provided long-range special reconnaissance to the Coalition ground forces on the drive to Baghdad.

The “Quiet Professionals,” Special Forces units are today deployed worldwide displaying their dominance in full-spectrum operations through their unconventional warfare expertise. From humanitarian assistance and training of indigenous forces, to direct action and special reconnaissance missions, Special Forces Soldiers live up to the Special Forces motto: De Oppresso Liber, to Free the Oppressed.

Honorary Regimental Leadership

Honorary Colonel

Honorary Warrant Officer

Honorary Sergeant Major

Honorary Colonel of the Special Forces Regiment

Honorary Chief Warrant Officer of the Special Forces Regiment

Honorary Sergeant Major of the Special Forces Regiment

James L. Holloway, Jr.

Paul J. Tompkins

Christopher R. Zets

Colonel Chief Warrant Officer 4 Command Sergeant Major

Distinguished Members

Inducted in 2005

COL Aaron Bank MSG William Thompson    

Aaron Bank

William Thompson

Colonel Master Sergeant    

Inducted in 2007

MSG Jimmy Dean CSM Stephen Holmstock CSM Joe Lupyak CSM Pete Morakon

Jimmy Dean

Stephen Holmstock

Joe Lupyak

Pete Morakon

Master Sergeant Command Sergeant Major Command Sergeant Major Command Sergeant Major
SGM Richmond Nail CW4 Harry Rider MG Sidney Shachnow MG John Singlaub

Richmond Nail

Harry Rider

Sidney Shachnow

John Singlaub

Sergeant Major Chief Warrant Officer 4 Major General Major General
SGM Ernie Tabata SGM William Waugh    

Ernie Tabata

William Waugh

Sergeant Major Sergeant Major    

Inducted in 2008

SGM Tyrone Adderly MSG Joe Alderman CSM David Clark CSM Joe Dennison

Tyrone Adderly

Joe Alderman

David Clark

Joe Dennison

Sergeant Major Master Sergeant Command Sergeant Major Command Sergeant Major
COL Robert Donlon MOH SMA George Dunaway CW5 Thomas Edinger CSM James Hargraves

Roger H. C. Donlon

George Dunaway

Thomas Edinger

James Hargraves

Colonel Sergeant Major of the Army Chief Warrant Officer 5 Command Sergeant Major

Medal of Honor

CSM Jack Joplin CSM Henry Luthy MAJ John Plaster COL James Nick Rowe

Jack Joplin

Henry Luthy

John Plaster

James Nick Rowe

Command Sergeant Major Command Sergeant Major Major Colonel
SGM Walter Shumate COL Donald Soland CSM Calvin Thomas  

Walter Shumate

Donald Soland

Calvin Thomas

Sergeant Major Colonel Command Sergeant Major  

Inducted in 2009

LTC Charles Aycock CSM Earnest Bishop CPT Isaac Camacho MG Harley Davis

Charles Aycock

Earnest Bishop

Isaac Camacho

Harley Davis

Lieutenant Colonel Command Sergeant Major Captain Major General
COL Sully DeFontaine MG James Guest CSM Ralph King CSM Galen Kittleson

Sully DeFontaine

James Guest

Ralph King

Galen Kittleson

Colonel Major General Command Sergeant Major Command Sergeant Major
MG Joseph Lutz CSM Ronnie McCan COL Ola Mize MOH CSM Henry Ramirez

Joseph Lutz

Ronnie McCan

Ola Mize

Henry Ramirez

Major General Command Sergeant Major Colonel Command Sergeant Major

Medal of Honor

CSM Gordon Smith LTG William Yarborough 1st Special Service Force Alamo Scouts

Gordon Smith

William Yarborough

1st Special Service Force

Alamo Scouts

Command Sergeant Major Lieutenant General World War II World War II
Office of Strategic Services      

Office of Strategic Services




World War II      

Inducted in 2010

CSM Bennie Adkins LTC Lewis Burruss, Jr. COL Joseph Cincotti MAJ Caesar Civitella

Bennie Adkins

Lewis Burruss, Jr.

Joseph Cincotti

Caesar Civitella

Command Sergeant Major Lieutenant Colonel Colonel Major

Medal of Honor

MAJ John Cleckner, Sr. LTC George Gaspard, Jr. COL Robert Howard MOH CW5 William McPherson

John Cleckner, Sr.

George Gaspard, Jr.

Robert Howard

William McPherson

Major Lieutenant Colonel Colonel Chief Warrant Officer 5

Medal of Honor

MAJ George Petrie CSM Daniel Pitzer SFC Eulis Presley BG Joseph Stringham

George Petrie

Daniel Pitzer

Eulis Presley

Joseph Stringham

Major Command Sergeant Major Sergeant First Class Brigadier General
MAJ Larry Thorne CPT Michael Vickers CSM Morris Worley  

Larry Thorne

Michael Vickers

Morris Worley

Major Captain Command Sergeant Major  

Inducted in 2011

SGT Gary Beikirch MG Kenneth R. Bowra SGM Jon Caviani MOH MSG Carl Compton

Gary B. Beikirch

Kenneth R. Bowra

Jon Cavaiani

Carl Compton

Sergeant Major General Sergeant Major Master Sergeant

Medal of Honor


Medal of Honor

MAJ Drew Dix LTC George Heib SGM Walter Hetzler COL James Kraus

Drew D. Dix

George Heib

Walter Hetzler

James Kraus

Major Lieutenant Colonel Sergeant Major Colonel

Medal of Honor

SGM Willie McLeod COL Charles Norton CSM Jeffrey Raker LTC Ronald Ray

Willie McLeod

Charles Norton

Jeffrey Raker

Ronald Ray

Sergeant Major Colonel Command Sergeant Major Lieutenant Colonel

Medal of Honor

MG Robert Shirkey MSG Lowell Stevens CPT Humbert Versace MOH  

Robert Shirkey

Lowell Stevens

Humbert "Rocky" Versace

Major General Master Sergeant Captain  

Medal of Honor


Inducted in 2012

COL Edwin "Andy" Anderson SFC Eugene Ashley MG Eldon Bargewell LTC Geoffrey Barker

Edwin "Andy" Anderson

Eugene Ashley

Eldon Bargewell

Geoffrey Barker

Colonel Sergeant First Class Major General Lieutenant Colonel

Medal of Honor

COL Charles A. Beckwith SGT Brian Buker SGM Armando Canales MSG Robert Charest

Charles A. Beckwith

Brian L. Buker

Armando Canales

Robert Charest

Colonel Sergeant Sergeant Major Master Sergeant

Medal of Honor

1SG Charles Gray COL Jerry King COL James Morris SFC Clifford Newman

Charles Gray

Jerry M. King

James Morris

Clifford Newman

First Sergeant Colonel Colonel Sergeant First Class
COL Jack Tobin BG Frank Toney    

Jack Tobin

Frank Toney

Colonel Brigadier General    

Inducted in 2013

LTC Maurice Price CSM Melvin Wick COL Darrell Katz CW4 James Spoo

Maurice Price

Melvin Wick

Darrell Katz

James Spoo

Lieutenant Colonel Command Sergeant Major Colonel Chief Warrant Officer 4
COL William J. Davis MAJ Michael D. Linnane MAJ Willie Merkerson, Jr.

William J. Davis

Michael D. Linnane

Willie Merkerson, Jr.

William P. Tangney

Colonel Major Major Lieutenant General
COL Charles Fry COL George C. Morton LTC Harris R Munck CSM Glenn E. Lane

Charles Fry

George C. Morton

Harris R Munck

Glenn E. Lane

Colonel Colonel Lieutenant Colonel Command Sergeant Major
MSG Roy P. Benavidez CW4 Paul J. Tompkins    

Roy P. Benavidez

Paul J. Tompkins

Master Sergeant Chief Warrant Officer 4    

Medal of Honor


Inducted in 2014

MAJ Richard J. Meadows CSM Melvin Wick CSM Norman Doney SSG Robert James Miller MOH

Richard J. Meadows

Wade Y. Ishimoto

Norman Doney

Robert James Miller

Major Captain Command Sergeant Major Staff Sergeant

Medal of Honor

COL John H. 'Scotty' Crerar CPT Claude O. 'Bud' McBroom SFC Melvin Morris  

John H. "Scotty" Crerar

Claude O. "Bud" McBroom

Melvin Morris


Colonel Captain Sergeant First Class  

Medal of Honor


Inducted in 2015

COL Richard M. Ripley LTC Darrel G. Elmore SGM Lothar Williams MSG Gary Gordon MOH

Richard M. Ripley

Darrell G. Elmore

Lothar Williams

Gary I. Gordon

Colonel Lieutenant Colonel Sergeant Major Master Sergeant

Medal of Honor

SFC Randall Shugart MOH COL Sydnor MAJ Powell 1LT Hagen MOH

Randall D. Shugart

Elliott “Bud” P. Sydnor, Jr Thomas E. Powell Loren D. Hagen
Sergeant First Class Colonel Major 1st Lieutenant

Medal of Honor


Medal of Honor

CSM Qualls CSM Smith MSG Zabitosky, MOH

Hester “Hoopy” J. Qualls

Thomas “Tom” H. Smith Fred W. Zabitosky
Command Sergeant Major Command Sergeant Major Master Sergeant  

Medal of Honor


Inducted in 2016

SFC Bryant MOH SGT Yntema MOH BG Volckmann COL Farr

William M. Bryant

Gordon D. Yntema

Russell W. Volckmann

Warner D. "Rocky" Farr

Sergeant First Class Sergeant Brigadier General Colonel

Medal of Honor

Medal of Honor

COL Bull Simons

Arthur D. "Bull" Simons




Honorary Members of the Regiment

MSG Roy H. Matsumoto

Dr. Jonathan B. Perlin

Gerald Paul Busse

COL Richard L. Coppedge

Joyce Luster

H. Ross Perot

Joe Hickey

Billye Drake Alexander

BG Antoine Beukering

Doris Baker

Pamela J. Wilson


The Regimental Honors, Awards and Affiliation Program is intended to recognize those who have contributed to the welfare of the Civil Affairs, Special Forces and Psychological Operations regiments, active or reserve component, as Department of the Army civilians, or in a private capacity. The program further serves as a link between members of the regiments currently serving and those who have separated from service, but continue to advance the interests of their respective regiments. These recognized individuals serve as role models, advocates and public examples to all members of the regiments. Through their sterling example, they enhance unit morale, cohesion and esprit, and promote the war-fighting ethos, unwavering sense of pride and selfless service of today's Soldiers.


Nominees may be active, retired or former officers, warrant officers or enlisted Soldiers who have graduated from the Civil Affairs, Psychological Operations or Special Forces qualification courses (or been awarded the Special Forces tab) and have served in their respective regiment. Nominees must have made significant contributions to the success of their regiment on the battlefield and/or to the training and qualification of new members of the regiment. For more information, click here.