
OAA Strengths

As a part of the Army team, we know that enabling the Army Staff in their support to the warfighter - through our dedicated service and the responsible management of resources - validates us as a relevant and ready leader in these extraordinary times. We are driven to provide superior service and are steadfast in upholding the Army values. This total commitment to service and continuous improvement has established a strong foundation on which we continue to provide unwavering service and support to the Army and the Nation.

The Army Civilian Corps consists of experienced personnel committed to serving the Nations. Army civilians are an integral part of the Army team and are members of the executive branch of the federal government. They fill positions in staff and sustaining base operations that would otherwise have to be filled by military personnel. They provide mission-essential capability, stability and continuity during war and peace in support of the Soldier. Army civilians take their support mission person-ally. No different than their uniformed counterparts, Army civilians are committed to selfless service in the performance of their duties as illustrated in the Army Civilian Corps Creed.


OAA Career Programs

The Office of the Administrative Assistant currently has employees in 24 different career programs (see chart below). A career program is comprised of occupational series and functional fields grouped together on the basis of population, occupational structure, grade range, and commonalty of job and qualification characteristics. Career programs were established to ensure there is an adequate base of qualified and trained professional, technical, and administrative personnel to meet Army's current and future needs. The system does this through effective career program leadership, identified progression levels, recruitment, and career development.

Career Program

CP 10 Civilian Human Resource Management
CP 11 Comptroller
CP 12 Safety & Occupational Health Management
CP 13 Supply Management
CP 14 Contracting & Acquisition
CP 16 Engineers & Scientists (Non-Construction)
CP 17 Materiel Maintenance Management
CP 18 Engineers and Scientists (Resources and Construction)
CP 19 Physical Security and Law Enforcement
CP 20 Quality Assurance Specialists (Ammunition Surveillance)
CP 22 Public Affairs & Communications Media
CP 24 Transportation & Distribution Management
CP 26 Manpower & Force Management
CP 28 Equal Employment Opportunity
CP 29 Installation Management
CP 31 Education Services
CP 34 Information Technology Management
CP 35 Intelligence
CP 36 Analysis, Modeling and Simulation
CP 50 Military Personnel Management
CP 51 General Administration and Management
CP 56 Legal
CP 60 Foreign Affairs and Strategic Planning
CP 61 Historian, Museum Curator

For more information on Career Programs, go to http://www.cpol.army.mil/library/train/acteds/.


Army Civilian Corps Creed

I am an Army Civilian – a member of the Army Team
I am dedicated to our Army, our Soldiers and Civilians
I will always support the mission
I provide stability and continuity during war and peace
I support and defend the Constitution of the United States and consider it an honor to serve our Nation and our Army
I live the Army values of Loyalty, Duty, Respect, Selfless Service, Honor, Integrity, and Personal Courage
I am an Army Civilian
