United States Department of Veterans Affairs
Mental Health

Women Veterans

Air Force airmen lay sandbags to protect against possible flooding.
Mental Health and Wellness
Women Veterans
  • Women Veterans Basics
  • Educational Materials
  • Treatment Considerations
  • VA Healthcare Services for Women
  • Online Resources

Women Veterans Basics

"Let the generations know that women in uniform also guaranteed their freedom. That our resolve was just as great as the brave men who stood among us. ... That the tears fell just as hard for those we left behind us."

-- As quoted in an NPR series*,† these words are carved into the ceiling of the Women's Memorial*.† (Source: VA Women Veterans Health Care website)

Quick facts about our nation’s women Veterans

  • Women Veterans are the fastest growing group within the Veteran population, the current projected percentage of U.S. Veterans who are women is more than 8 percent. For the most recent projections, visit VetPOP.
  • The largest cohort of women Veterans are those women who served in the conflicts in Iraq and Afghanistan.
  • Today’s women Veterans are younger: the average age of women in the military is decreasing, as more women are entering the military at younger ages.
  • Even though women are not formally classified by their Military Occupational Specialty (MOS) codes as serving in direct combat, many women Veterans who have served in Iraq and Afghanistan have been exposed to combat.
  • Women Veterans are the fastest growing segment of eligible VA healthcare users. Over 50% of women Veterans who served in Iraq and Afghanistan have accessed VA healthcare.

For more information about women who have served in the military, please explore the VA Women Veterans Health Care website. Of particular interest, is the section with stories of their service.

Educational Materials

VA Women Veterans Health Care produces a host of outreach materials offering background on women's health at the VA. These materials include brochures, videos, health outreach campaigns, and research publications and reports.

You can also find some articles and factsheets on Women Veterans, on the VA Mental Health website.

Treatment Considerations

Women are the fastest growing group within the Veteran population. Increased understanding of the unique needs of women Veterans can positively impact treatment planning and delivery. Below is some important information that should be considered when working with women Veterans.

Important considerations

  • The most frequently diagnosed mental health problems among women Veterans who have served in Iraq or Afghanistan and who have been seen in VA healthcare are adjustment reactions (including posttraumatic stress disorder), other anxiety disorders, and depression.
  • About 1 in 5 women have told their VA healthcare provider that they experienced sexual trauma in the military.
    • Military Sexual Trauma (MST) is the term that the Department of Veterans Affairs uses to refer to sexual assault or repeated, threatening sexual harassment that occurred in the military. It includes any sexual activity where someone is involved against his or her will.
    • Sexual assault is more likely to result in symptoms of PTSD than are most other types of trauma, including combat. MST specifically is associated with PTSD, depression, and other mental and physical health problems.
    • All treatment for physical and mental health conditions related to Military Sexual Trauma (MST) is free. Veterans may be able to receive this free MST-related care even if they are not eligible for other VA care.
  • Compared to civilian women, women Veterans have been shown to have higher rates of completed suicides.
  • Women Veterans have higher rates of homelessness, higher divorce rates, and a higher risk for family violence than Civilian women.

Video about Treatment for Women Veterans
Watch a video about many trauma treatment options available to women veterans a VA Medical Centers, VA Outpatient Clinics, and Vet Centers. Hosted by Jane Pauley, the video examines how women may be adversely affected by their deployment to war zones, often leading to considerable stress responses and disruption of normal family life. Testimonials by veterans who sought treatment are included.

VA Healthcare Services for Women

In addition to the extensive medical services available to women Veterans (for more information view the FAQs page), VA offers a full continuum of mental health services for women Veterans. VA policy requires that mental health services be provided in a manner that recognizes that gender-specific issues can be important components of care. All VA facilities must ensure that outpatient and residential programs have environments that can accommodate and support women with safety, privacy, dignity, and respect. Women’s-only programs are available for Veterans who would benefit from treatment in single-gender environments. Every Veterans Health Administration facility has a wide range of mental health outpatient services for women, including formal psychological assessment and evaluation, psychiatry, and individual and group psychotherapy.

Services available to Women Veterans include:

Other mental health services:

• Outpatient specialty services that target problems such as posttraumatic stress disorder, substance abuse, depression, recovery from military sexual trauma and homelessness.

• Psychiatric inpatient treatment to address acute mental health needs such as psychiatric emergencies and stabilization.

• Mental Health Residential Rehabilitation and Treatment Programs (MH RRTP) which address goals of rehabilitation, recovery, health maintenance, improved quality of life, and community reintegration. Veterans can also receive treatment for medical conditions, mental health issues, and addictive disorders through these programs.

Military Sexual Trauma (MST) services:

The VA provides free, confidential counseling and treatment to male and female Veterans for mental and physical health conditions related to experiences of MST. Veterans may be eligible to receive this free MST-related care even if they are not eligible for other VA care. Veterans do not need to have reported the incident when it happened or have other documentation that it occurred.

For more information Veterans can contact the MST Coordinator at their nearest VA Medical Center or call their local Vet Center.

Information is also available online at www.mentalhealth.va.gov/msthome.asp.

Telephone care available for women Veterans:

For enrolled women Veterans, a VA health care professional is available by phone at each VA Medical Center to answer questions and advise on health concerns 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Contact your local VA Medical Center and ask for the telephone care number.

Women Veterans Program Managers:

At each VA Medical Center nationwide, a Women Veterans Program Manager is designated to assist women Veterans. She can help coordinate all the services you may need, from primary care to medical services to Mental Health and Sexual Abuse Counseling. Use the program locater to find your nearest women Veteran’s program, and when you call, ask for the “Women Veterans Program Manager”.

Vet Center services for women:

Vet Centers Brochure, Serving Women Who Served: Located in the community, Vet Centers stand ready to help Veterans and their families with readjustment counseling and outreach services. Services include individual and group counseling, military sexual trauma-related counseling marital and family counseling, medical and benefits referrals, and employment counseling.

To find a Vet Center, you can use the Vet Center Locator; more information is available on the Vet Center website.

Online Resources

VA Women’s Health: Women Veterans Health Care addresses the health care needs of women Veterans and works to ensure that timely, equitable, high-quality, comprehensive health care services are provided in a sensitive and safe environment at VA health facilities nationwide.

Center for Women Veterans: In November 1994, Public Law 103-446 established the Center for Women to monitor and coordinate VA's administration of health care and benefits services and programs for women Veterans. The Center serves as an advocate for a cultural transformation (both within VA and in the general public) in recognizing the service and contributions of women Veterans and women in the military, and in raising awareness of the responsibility to treat women Veterans with dignity and respect. The Director, Center for Women Veterans, acts as the primary advisor to the Secretary of Veterans Affairs on all matters related to policies, legislation, programs, issues, and initiatives affecting women Veterans.

Make the Connection: Make the Connection provides resources and videos about women Veterans’ experiences in the military. The site has video clips with the recovery stories of women who have served in the military.

National Center for PTSD (NCPTSD): NCPTSD has a number of fact sheets covering issues specific to women. They also have a video for Veterans and their families, Women Who Served in Our Military: Insights for Interventions, which presents the many trauma treatment options available to women Veterans through VA, includes testimonials by women Veterans, and describes the considerable contributions of women in service to their country.