PEO EIS Programs

PEO EIS In the News

Making Acquisition Rapid: A Practitioner’s View

ASC.ARMY.MIL, September 12, 2016

In the world of acquisition and project management, cost, schedule and performance are king. Actually delivering a product that meets the needs—performance—in the agreed-upon timeframe—schedule—and with the resources you’ve been given—cost—is harder than it sounds and is doubly so within DOD. The challenges are formidable:

  • A requirements process that takes two to four years.
  • A money forecasting process that takes two to seven years.
  • A milestone approval process that takes three to six months of staffing at each checkpoint.

Add to the above list of challenges the customer expectation so clearly expressed by one of my former customers: “I want it now. If I wanted it in three years, I’d ask for it in three years.”

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Federal Computer Week: CHESS Contract Guide for 2016

FCW Magazine, July 15, 2016

In recent years, a set of Army contracting vehicles has shaken up federal acquisition practices by allowing more flexibility in buying IT goods and services. Now the contracting regime, run by the Army's Computer, Hardware, Enterprise Software and Solutions (CHESS) outfit, is moving into a new phase with potentially big implications for federal IT contracting.

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Open Source Big Data

ASC.ARMY.MIL, July 14, 2016

Big data analytics—the process of examining massive data sets containing a variety of data types to uncover hidden patterns, correlations and other strategic business and operational information—is among the hottest trends in information technology and one of the Army’s highest priorities. The Army chief information officer/G-6 (CIO/G-6), in releasing the Army Data Strategy in February 2016, stated, “The Army will utilize a two-pronged approach for managing big data. First, the Army will redouble its efforts to implement effective data management methodologies to ensure that data are authoritative, timely, secure and of the highest quality. Second, the Army will develop a process for the identification, development and implementation of efficient decision support and analytical tools to best maximize the use of information derived from big data extrapolation.”

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Better to Best, June 28, 2016

Category management is a growing trend in today's marketplace that focuses on the way companies and organizations consolidate contracts, leverage buying power and drive consistent purchasing practices. For a private company with one mission and one pool of money, category management seems straightforward enough; however, for DOD, specialized requirements and initiatives funded with different types of money (for example, procurement, research and development (R&D) and operations and maintenance (O&M) dollars) make category management a major challenge.

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PM DCATS' Lessons for the Long Haul: On CSS VSAT and SATCOM

Army AL&T Magazine, June 23, 2016

Army logisticians around the world depend on a worldwide satellite communications (SATCOM) system that was conceived as a quick fix, and consequently the Army jumped a few steps in the usual acquisition process to get it fielded. The system—the Combat Service Support Very Small Aperture Terminal (CSS VSAT)—was never intended to be a permanent solution.

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US Army Logistics Modernization Program: Ensuring a steady state of Army readiness, June 13, 2016

Although force generation models and processes have changed as the global combat environment has changed, the output remains the same: units capable of and ready to accomplish assigned missions. Today's Army must maintain a steady state of readiness to respond to missions whenever -- and wherever -- they arise. Since 2003, the U.S. Army's Logistics Modernization Program (LMP) has enabled readiness to the Army Materiel Command (AMC) through improved business processes and advanced capabilities that track and manage production, maintenance, repair, and overhaul orders at Lifecycle Management Commands, depots, arsenals, and ammunition plants. Through the expanded capabilities delivered by the recent implementation of the LMP Increment 2, the system continues to support the Army's overall readiness posture by ensuring equipment is manufactured and repaired more quickly and cost effectively.

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Defending America by Keeping Track of Everything

CBS local affiliate WHNT Channel 19 News, Huntsville, Alabama , June 13, 2016

CBS local affiliate WHNT News Channel 19 in Huntsville, Alabama, interviewed Mr. James Dwyer of U.S. Army Materiel Command about the Logistics Modernization Program (LMP) Increment 2.

LMP is a PEO EIS program supporting the Army national-level logistics mission to develop, acquire, field and sustain the world’s best equipment and services, providing Soldiers with a decisive advantage. LMP delivers an enterprise system for AMC with a fully-integrated suite of software and business processes, providing streamlined data on maintenance, repair and overhaul; planning; finance; acquisition; and on weapon systems supplies, spare parts, services and materiel.

The LMP Increment 1 is deployed to more than 50 locations with approximately 21,000 users throughout AMC and related major subordinate commands, depots, and arsenals, as well as the Defense Finance and Accounting Service and U.S. Special Operations Command. With the implementation of the LMP Increment 2, the system will have an additional 9,000 new users and 5,000 existing users with additional functionality.

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PEO EIS CIO Manish Patel Spoke on the Agility and Networks Panel

C4ISR & Networks, June 02, 2016

PEO EIS CIO Manish Patel spoke on the Agility and Networks panel at the C4ISR & Networks Conference May 26.

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Army AL&T Magazine

ARMY AL&T Magazine, May 12, 2016

SPOTLIGHT: Ms. Monica Walker "A 'true bean counter' takes a stand.

You know that line about how you have to stand for something or you'll fall for anything? Monica Walker has found her joy standing firm for the principle that the Army supply Soldiers with the best information technology (IT) equipment without spending a fortune. She relishes her role as a steward of taxpayer dollars. "In this position you have to be slightly aggressive, because you're always being pushed or guided in a particular direction, so you have to figure out quickly what's right and then take that stand."

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How the Army is taking network modernization global

C4ISR & Networks, May 09, 2016

Network modernization isn’t just happening at the home stations and bases in the United States: It’s a global effort that’s part of broad, Defense Department-wide plans to move the military toward a centralized, enterprise IT system of networks and all the pieces that comprise them. In the Army, updating aging servers, switches, nodes, wires and other parts is a multi-year project that spans countries, program offices and stakeholders.

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Campaign stresses financial accountability

JBLM NW Guardian, April 07, 2016

The Military Deputy for Budget to the Assistant Secretary of the Army (Financial Management and Comptroller) visited Joint Base Lewis-McChord recently in an effort to promote the Army Financial Management Optimization Campaign Plan and gain a better understanding of how I Corps is building readiness to support the chief of staff of the Army’s priority for readiness.

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What's driving cyber spending in the federal market?

washingtontechnology, March 29, 2016

For cybersecurity companies mapping out federal sales strategies in 2016 and beyond, it’s important to understand the nature and extent of the threat landscape that will influence buying decisions.

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ITES-3H Contract Media Coverage

C4ISR & Networks, February 24, 2016
Army awards $5B ITES-3H contract to 17 vendors

Washington Technology, February 22, 2016
17 named to Army's $5B ITES-3H contract

Leaders transforming Army business operations, February 16, 2016

WASHINGTON (Army News Service, Feb. 12, 2016) -- The scope of the Army's business operations is comparable to a Fortune Top 20 company, Lt. Gen. Tom Spoehr told senior Army leaders.

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Online tool streamlines Army application migration

GCN, January 22, 2016

With all Army enterprise activity required to migrate to Department of Defense-approved data centers by fiscal year 2018, moving over 10,000 enterprise applications could be a challenge. As a way to ease that migration, the Army’s Application Migration Business Office (AAMBO) released an online service that helps systems owners collect the data needed for migration planning.

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Army turns to DISA for ERP help

C4ISR & Networks, January 20, 2016

As the Army moves into new phases of several of its enterprise resource planning (ERP) programs, service leaders are looking to the Defense Information Systems Agency for assistance in managing some of the IT aspects of the programs.

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On DoD: Army on multiyear ‘campaign’ to fix its personnel records

Federal News Radio, January 19, 2016

COL Darby McNulty, PM IPPS-A, was interviewed by Jared Serbu for Federal News Radio

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Army Searches for Cloud Vendors to Host Its Enterprise Apps

fedTech, January 08, 2016

The Army is soliciting pitches from vendors on cloud solutions as the service branch looks to move to a new cloud contract vehicle that will handle most of its cloud purchases over the next few years.

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Army Taps 10 Small Businesses for $846M ERP Services Contract

GovConWire, January 08, 2016

The Defense Department said Thursday the contract will run through Jan. 6, 2021, and covers enterprise resource planning services for the Army’s Enterprise System Integration Program and General Fund Enterprise Business System as well as the Army-Shared Services Center.

Ten small businesses have won spots on a potential five-year, $846 million contract to support business processing systems across the U.S. Army organization.

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Army begins industry outreach for cloud transformation project

FierceGovernmentIT, January 06, 2016

The Army wants cloud computing vendors to pitch their solutions as part of its forthcoming cloud contract vehicle, said the service in a notice posted late last month.

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Doug Haskin: Congress gives Army’s Enterprise Services unit a boost

Federal News Radio, January 06, 2016

Doug Haskin, Acting Product Director Enterprise Services, was recently interviewed by Tom Temin for his radio program "Federal Drive" for Federal News Radio. The audio story is now downloadable on their website:

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Army begins shopping for cloud vendors to host its enterprise apps

Federal News Radio, January 06, 2016

Federal News Radio's Jared Serbu highlights PEO EIS' Enterprise Services recent announcement of an ACCENT RFP for cloud hosting:

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GCSS-Army: Wave 1 Fielded

STAND-TO, December 30, 2015

The Global Combat Support System-Army (GCSS-Army) is a game-changing modernization effort that is improving readiness and operations at every warehouse, supply room, motor pool and property book office in the Total Army. The Army hit a milestone in November 2015, completing the fielding of Wave 1 of GCSS-Army to 14,000 users at 281 Supply Support Activities (SSAs) across the total force. This includes warehouses in the continental United States, around the globe, and at forward deployed locations in Iraq and Afghanistan.

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Fourteen honored with acquisition awards

USA ASC, December 02, 2015

The Hon. Heidi Shyu, the Army acquisition executive (AAE) and the assistant secretary of the Army for acquisition, logistics and technology, recognized more than a dozen groups and individuals from the acquisition community yesterday, as she announced the winners of the 2015 AAE Excellence in Leadership Awards.

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Several changes in DoD acquisition leadership

Federal News Radio, November 23, 2015

It was a big week for personnel moves within the military’s acquisition leadership. Last Monday, Heidi Shyu, the Army’s top acquisition executive sent a note to staff saying she’d be moving on from government, and just two days later, her Air Force counterpart, Bill LaPlante did the same.

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