PEO EIS Programs

Logistics Information Systems (LIS)

Product Director Logistics Information Systems (PD LIS) supports the Army’s enterprise integration objectives by developing, testing, training, deploying, and sustaining the most cost-efficient and capable logistics management and information systems available that enhance the Army supply chain and support the Warfighter.  PD LIS is responsible for numerous logistics management systems throughout the acquisition lifecycle of technology development, system development, production, deployment, and operations and support.

PD LIS provides the lifecycle management of all functional and technical aspects of the current Army logistics information systems in a manner consistent with the policies and principles articulated in DoD directives. These systems include the automation and sustainment of ammunition, maintenance, supply, property accountability and finance. PD LIS manages a suite of Army logistics programs and products that provide the key logistics information technology enablers in bridging to the Single Army Logistics Enterprise.  Its focus is to ensure Soldiers are prepared to use our newly deployed systems and are confident in their effectiveness for the following Products and Services.

  • Property Book Unit Supply Enhanced (PBUSE) is the Army’s web-based Combat Service Support property accountability system that provides asset visibility and management reporting for unit/organizational property and equipment.
  • Standard Army Retail Supply System (SARSS) provides supply management and stock control at the Army retail level. SARSS is composed of three interrelated sub-systems that support time sensitive activities of receiving, storing and issuing of supplies, provides supply management functions, and places orders on the Source of Supply the same day received from a customer.
  • Standard Army Ammunition System (SAAS) is the multi-level automated management, reporting and accounting system that automates all retail life cycle Class V management functions. All requisitioning, receipting, storing, inventorying, and issuing activities are automated and enhanced by radio frequency and advanced identification technology.
  • Standard Army Maintenance Systems-Enhanced (SAMS-E) automates day-to-day weapon system and sub-component readiness status, maintenance and related repair parts information, and management functions from the tactical and direct support/general support level maintenance activities, as well as for installation and non-tactical repair facilities.
  • Unit Level Logistics System - Aviation Enhanced (ULLS-AE) is used to perform organizational level readiness and unit status reporting functions in tactical units for aviation assets. This system ties together the major functionality and utilities that support the spectrum of rotary, fixed wing, and unmanned aviation systems.
  • Financial Management Tactical Platform (FMTP) supports finance and resource management operations/functions across the entire spectrum of vendor services, military pay, disbursing, accounting and travel.


Contact Information
Project Director: Mr. Ricky Daniels
Alexandria, VA
(703) 545-6678

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