Evaluation of ESOH Related Mission Risks

Evaluation of ESOH Related Mission Risks

Interagency Deliberations

Cal/EPA Emergent Chemical doc [23 KB]

Historical correspondence within DoD and between DoD and other federal agencies and states related to perchlorate.

Letter Cal/EPA Emergent Chemicals Sources doc [145 KB]

Historical correspondence within DoD and between DoD and other federal agencies and states related to perchlorate.

Cal/EPA to ADUSD(E) pdf [39 KB]

Historical correspondence within DoD and between DoD and other federal agencies and states related to perchlorate.

Ms. Cantu, SWRCB pdf [1.98 MB]

Historical correspondence within DoD and between DoD and other federal agencies and states related to perchlorate.

CDC testimony doc [37 KB]

Testimonies offered at House Energy and Commerce Hearing April 25, 2007

Cover Letter 19 February 2002 doc [70 KB]

Historical correspondence within DoD and between DoD and other federal agencies and states related to perchlorate.

DoD Comments on the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's Draft Perchlorate Environmental Contamination:Toxicological Review and Risk Characterization doc [331 KB]

Historical correspondence within DoD and between DoD and other federal agencies and states related to perchlorate.

DoD Extension Comments pdf [1.73 MB]

Historical correspondence within DoD and between DoD and other federal agencies and states related to perchlorate.

DoD Extension Comments: Cover Letter pdf [36 KB]

Historical correspondence within DoD and between DoD and other federal agencies and states related to perchlorate.

DuBois Letter pdf [72 KB]

Historical correspondence within DoD and between DoD and other federal agencies and states related to perchlorate.

Letter from Mr. Hickox

Historical correspondence within DoD and between DoD and other federal agencies and states related to perchlorate.

Executive Summary

Historical correspondence within DoD and between DoD and other federal agencies and states related to perchlorate.

EPA Perchlorate Review Draft pdf [3.39 MB]

Historical correspondence within DoD and between DoD and other federal agencies and states related to perchlorate.

Woodley to Mr. Lowry

Historical correspondence within DoD and between DoD and other federal agencies and states related to perchlorate.

response pdf [145 KB]

Historical correspondence within DoD and between DoD and other federal agencies and states related to perchlorate.

Tamminen to Beehler pdf [117 KB]

Historical correspondence within DoD and between DoD and other federal agencies and states related to perchlorate.

Response Letter to Mr. Hickox pdf [267 KB]

Historical correspondence within DoD and between DoD and other federal agencies and states related to perchlorate.

Perchloratemcl_mwwacomments pdf [1.89 MB]

Letter to Dave Terry, MA DEP. Massachusetts Waterworks opposes the 2 ppb perchlorate MCL that MA DEP is proposing.

Testimony and Presentations

EPA presentation pdf [1.73 MB]

Presentations made by DoD to the NAS panel titled Committee to Assess the Health Implications of Perchlorate Ingestion in 2003

EPA testimony doc [69 KB]

Testimonies offered at House Energy and Commerce Hearing April 25, 2007

DoD Oral Presentations doc [37 KB]

Historical correspondence within DoD and between DoD and other federal agencies and states related to perchlorate.

GAO Testimony on Management of Perchlorate pdf [686 KB]

Testimonies offered at House Energy and Commerce Hearing April 25, 2007

DoD Technical Slides ppt [1.38 MB]

Presentations made by DoD to the NAS panel titled Committee to Assess the Health Implications of Perchlorate Ingestion in 2003

DoD Comments pdf [242 KB]

Presentations made by DoD to the NAS panel titled Committee to Assess the Health Implications of Perchlorate Ingestion in 2003

Wennerberg JSEM Present on Perchlorate ppt [2.63 MB]

JSEM slides from the meeting in Tampa, FL 2005

Braverman pdf [112 KB]

Perchlorate Human Health Effects Materials

Treatment, Policy and Standards

8684.pdf pdf [144 KB]

Calif.: Development of a Health-Protective Drinking Water Level for Perchlorate

Perchlorate in Groundwater pdf [1.16 MB]

Information related to various treatment technologies for perchlorate.

AWWA Letter pdf [263 KB]

10-09 Information on the EPA's Regulatory Determinations Regarding Contaminants on the Second Drinking Water Contaminant Candidate List Preliminary Determinations. Includes perchlorate and several other ECs.

Mechanisms of Perchlorate Degradation: An Overview pdf [124 KB]

Information related to various treatment technologies for perchlorate.

nwra lab paper pdf [237 KB]

10-09 Information on the EPA's Regulatory Determinations Regarding Contaminants on the Second Drinking Water Contaminant Candidate List Preliminary Determinations. Includes perchlorate and several other ECs.

NWRA Paper pdf [123 KB]

Information on the EPA's Regulatory Determinations Regarding Contaminants on the Second Drinking Water Contaminant Candidate List Preliminary Determinations. Includes perchlorate and several other ECs.

Perchlorate Isotope Analysis pdf [24 KB]

Study on the potential natural and man-made sources of perchlorate in the environment.

PSG Letter pdf [543 KB]

10-09 Information on the EPA's Regulatory Determinations Regarding Contaminants on the Second Drinking Water Contaminant Candidate List Preliminary Determinations. Includes perchlorate and several other ECs.

Evaluation of the EPA Preliminary Remediation Goal (PRG) for Perchlorate pdf [248 KB]

Technical paper, Evaluation of the U.S. EPA/OSWER Preliminary Remediation Goal (PRG) for Perchlorate in Groundwater: Focus on Exposure to Nursing Infants the authors (Gary L. Ginsberg, Dale B. Hattis, R. Thomas Zoeller and Deborah C. Rice).

Ting et al 2006 EHP Perchlorate pdf [659 KB]

An article from the Journal Env. Health Perspectives from Ting et al that describes the basis for the Calif. public health goal of 6 ppb in water.

Detection and Sources

Nonpoint Sources of Perchlorate pdf [19 KB]

Study on the Nonpoint Sources of Perchlorate in the environment.

Natural Perchlorate Has a Unique Oxygen Isotope Signature pdf [93 KB]
Slides on perchlorate isotopic forensics (Bohlke, John Karl) pdf [473 KB]

10-09 Widespread occurrence of perchlorate has been reported in recent years in surface water bodies, ground water aquifers, and agricultural products across the U.S. This perchlorate, which may have both anthropogenic and natural sources, can be problematic because the highly soluble perchlorate anion is relatively inert and difficult to remove by conventional water treatment methods. Because several toxicological studies indicate that trace amounts of perchlorate can cause thyroid cancer and child developmental problems, there is increasing interest in characterizing acceptable contamination levels as well as the ultimate sources of perchlorate in the environment. The stable isotope ratios of Cl and O can potentially be used to distinguish the source(s) of perchlorate in a given location and to evaluate the extent of biodegradation. Several papers related to this topic are included here.

Slides on perchlorate isotopic forensics (Dasgupta, Purnendu K.) pdf [143 KB]

Widespread occurrence of perchlorate has been reported in recent years in surface water bodies, ground water aquifers, and agricultural products across the U.S. This perchlorate, which may have both anthropogenic and natural sources, can be problematic because the highly soluble perchlorate anion is relatively inert and difficult to remove by conventional water treatment methods. Because several toxicological studies indicate that trace amounts of perchlorate can cause thyroid cancer and child developmental problems, there is increasing interest in characterizing acceptable contamination levels as well as the ultimate sources of perchlorate in the environment. The stable isotope ratios of Cl and O can potentially be used to distinguish the source(s) of perchlorate in a given location and to evaluate the extent of biodegradation. Several papers related to this topic are included here.

EPA Study 2 pdf [102 KB]

EPA study on the potential natural and man-made sources of perchlorate in the environment.

Perchlorate Behavior in a Municipal Lake Following Fireworks Displays pdf [185 KB]

Perchlorate salts of potassium and ammonium are the primary oxidants in pyrotechnic mixtures, yet insufficient information is available regarding the relationship between fireworks displays and the environmental occurrence of perchlorate.

Survey of Fertilizers and Related Materials for Perchlorate pdf [717 KB]

Information related to various treatment technologies for perchlorate.

Fertilizer from Chile puts perchlorate on the table pdf [131 KB]

Study on the potential natural and man-made sources of perchlorate in the environment.

GAO Sampling Tracking for Perchlorate May 2005 pdf [2.31 MB]

GAO Reports and Letters on sampling tracking for perchlorate, May 2005.

Relative Source Contributions to the Food Chain for perchlorate pdf [20 KB]

Relative Source Contributions to the Food Chain for perchlorate

AWWA Report 2005 pdf [2.93 MB]

AWWA report on sources of perchlorate in the environment.

Propellant Residues on Ranges pdf [9.96 MB]

Study on the potential natural and man-made sources of perchlorate in the environment.

Stable Isotopic Composition of Chlorine and Oxygen in Synthetic and Natural Perchlorate pdf [262 KB]
USGS Report pdf [34 KB]

USGS study on the potential natural and man-made sources of perchlorate in the environment.

Alternative Causes of Widespread, Low Concentration Perchlorate Impacts to Groundwater pdf [433 KB]

A report on Alternative Causes of Widespread, Low Concentration Perchlorate Impacts to Groundwater, Strategic Environmental Research and Development Program (SERDP), 5 May 2005

Background Concentrations of Perchlorate and its Impact on Site Assessment pdf [2.00 MB]

A presentation entitled, Background Concentrations of Perchlorate and its Impact on Site Assessment, by Andrew Jackson, Srinath Rajagopalan, Balaji Rao, Todd Anderson, Ken Rainwater,(Water Resources Center, Texas Tech University) David Stonestrom, Lynne Fahlquist, Greta Orris (United States Geological Survey) and Greg Harvey (USAF)

Identification of Perchlorate Sources - Feature Presentation pdf [521 KB]

Information related to the 17 April 2007 MERIT Information Exchange Meeting.

JSEM_ClareMendelsohn_Final ppt [404 KB]

JSEM slides from the meeting in Tampa, FL 2005

Perchlorate Fingerprinting RPM News 5 2 2007 doc [310 KB]

Historical correspondence within DoD and between DoD and other federal agencies and states related to perchlorate.

Health and Ecological Effects

ATSDR Staff Report on Genetic Factors and Perchlorate pdf [339 KB]

Genetic Factors that Might Lead to Different Responses in Individuals Exposed to Perchlorate Franco Scinicariello, H. Edward Murray, Lester Smith, Sharon Wilbur, and Bruce A. Fowler doi:10.1289/ehp.8076 (available at

Thyroid Function in Newborns doc [2.26 MB]

Perchlorate Human Health Effects Materials

AFIERA slides pdf [757 KB]

Ecological Effects of Perchlorate

smoking and perchlorate pdf [139 KB]

Perchlorate Human Health Effects Materials

Mechanistic Data pdf [2.40 MB]

Perchlorate Human Health Effects Materials

CDC Q and A doc [29 KB]

This document is for use by CDC officials responding to press inquiries - however it is also useful for any DoD official that is speaking to stakeholders about perchlorate.

IPSC Eco Subcommittee pdf [71 KB]

Ecological Effects of Perchlorate

Israel Health Study pdf [133 KB]

Regulating Perchlorate CIO43 in Drinking Water: Protecting Public Health Gary Winston and Yona Amitai Departments of Environmental Health and Mother, Child, and Adolescent Health, Israel Ministry of Health, Jerusalem.

Newborn to Cancer ppt [4.49 MB]

Perchlorate Human Health Effects Materials

Neonatal T4 Thyroxine pdf [145 KB]

Perchlorate Human Health Effects Materials

Ammonium Perchlorate Workers pdf [917 KB]

Perchlorate Human Health Effects Materials

Oregon Draft HC pdf [383 KB]

A draft health consultation of an exposure investigation regarding perchlorate. It stems from a Health Consultation that was conducted in Oregon and released in December 2006.

Oregon Perchlorate EI summary doc [38 KB]

A summary of an exposure investigation regarding perchlorate. It stems from a Health Consultation that was conducted in Oregon and released in December 2006.

Pathology pdf [118 KB]

Perchlorate Human Health Effects Materials

Perchlorate Exposure are Safe for Pregnant Women pdf [62 KB]

Perchlorate ATA News 6 Oct 2007 press release on pregnant women

Perchlorate Exposure of the US Population 2001 2002.pdf pdf [188 KB]

Perchlorate Exposure of the US Population

Perchlorate Thyroid NHANES 01-02.pdf pdf [378 KB]

Urinary Perchlorate and Thyroid Hormone Levels in Adolescent and Adult Men and Women Living in the United States

EPA Draft ERD pdf [2.55 MB]

Perchlorate Human Health Effects Materials

Review: Individuals respond to perchlorate differently pdf [87 KB]

Perchlorate has been detected in groundwater in many parts of the United States, and recent detection in vegetable and dairy food products indicates that contamination by perchlorate is more widespread than previously thought. Perchlorate is a competitive

Gaps by TERA ppt [56 KB]

Perchlorate Human Health Effects Materials

TERA Peer Review ppt [140 KB]

Perchlorate Human Health Effects Materials

Amphibian Metamorphosis ppt [2.46 MB]

Ecological Effects of Perchlorate

University of South Florida Review doc [1.48 MB]

Perchlorate Human Health Effects Materials

Perchlorate Risk Assessment Symposium pdf [86 KB]

Agenda for Perchlorate Symposium held in conjunction with the Society of Toxicologists meeting in Seattle, Wa, the week of March 17

Blount NHANES perchlorate study - SOT symposium presentation pdf [231 KB]

Dr. Blount has graciously provided the presentation on good faith that it will not be misquoted or quoted out of context. We request that anyone who receives these presentations and wishes to cite, quote or otherwise use them contact the presenter.

Breast Milk Iodine and Perchlorate Concentrations pdf [96 KB]

Perchlorate exposure was not significantly correlated with breast milk iodine concentrations. Perchlorate was detectable in infant formula, but at lower levels than in breast milk. 47% of women sampled may have been providing breast milk with insufficient iodine to meet infants requirements.

EHP Doug Crawford-Brown pdf [138 KB]

Intersubject Variability of Risk from Perchlorate in Community Water Supplies

EST vitamins perchlorate pdf [31 KB]

EST article on vitamins and perchlorate

Biomonitoring Data on Thyroid-Active Compounds: Database and Issues Regarding pdf [502 KB]

Presentation slides from Biomonitoring Data on Thyroid-Active Compounds: Database and Issues Regarding Variability and Interpretation, by Ben Blount, Division of Laboratory Sciences, National Center for Environmental Health, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. May 2008

Effect of Iodine Status and Gender on Perchlorate Inhibition of Iodine Uptake pdf [165 KB]

Powerpoint from SOT meeting on perchlorate risk assessment. Not for wide distribution - material will be placed in press.

EPA study of perchlorate impacts on brain development pdf [295 KB]

This study concludes that there is irreparable damage to brain function from developmental exposure to perchlorate.

FDA perchlorate total diet Study Questions and Answers doc [78 KB]
FDA total diet study - Talking points doc [52 KB]
Howd on Perchlorate at SOT perchlorate symposium pdf [626 KB]

Dr. Howd has graciously provided the presentation on good faith that it will not be misquoted or quoted out of context. We request that anyone who receives these presentations and wishes to cite, quote or otherwise use them contact the presenter at the provided email addresses beforehand.

Lamm ppt on Perchlorate at SOT perchlorate symposium pdf [105 KB]

Dr. Lamm has graciously provided the presentation on good faith that it will not be misquoted or quoted out of context. We request that anyone who receives these presentations and wishes to cite, quote or otherwise use them contact the presenter at the provided email addresses beforehand.

Society of Toxicology Perchlorate Symposium Agenda - 2008 pdf [81 KB]
Perchlorate SETAC Abstracts pdf [46 KB]

Material referenced in the EC News Letter for 15 Dec 05