Special Warfare Magazine

The Professional Bulletin of Army Special Operations


Bridging The Gap Between War And Peace: AROSOF in Europe

In this issue of Special Warfare we take an in depth look at how our ARSOF Soldiers assigned to Special Operations Command Europe are bringing their unique talents to bear while working with not only our NATO partners but also in support of other partners in the region. Our European partners are on the frontline and are facing very real threats from destabilization caused by Russian aggression, the surge in violent extermism, as well as the flow of foreign fighters and refugees fleeing the war in Syria.
As the security challenges throughout Europe and the world continue to change, ARSOF will continue to build its relationships with our partner forces around the world to ensure the security of our nation.


In This Issue:

     Bosnia and Herzegovina



     10th SF G(A) and Europe in 2016: Old Wine in New Bottles?

     WAR OF WORDS: Countering Russian Aggression in Estonia

     Persistent Presence: A Special Operations Forces Engagement Strategy for Operation Atlantic Resolve

     Expeditionary Logistics In Support Of Atlantic Resolve

     SOFLE Romania

     6th MISB(A)’s Essential Role in the SOCEUR AOR

     Civil Information Sharing in the Gray Zone