The Professional Bulletin of Army Special Operations


Special Warfare welcomes submissions of scholarly, independent research from members of the armed forces, security policy-makers and -shapers, defense analysts, academic specialists and civilians from the United States and abroad.

Manuscripts should be 2,500 to 3,000 words in length. Include a cover letter. Submit a complete biography with author contact information (i.e., complete mailing address, telephone, fax, e-mail address).

Manuscripts should be submitted in plain text, double-spaced and in a digital file. End notes should accompany works in lieu of embedded footnotes. Please consult The Chicago Manual of Style, 15th Edition, for footnote style.

Submit graphics, tables and charts with source references in separate files from the manuscript (no embedded graphics). Special Warfare may accept high-resolution (300 dpi or greater) digital photos; be sure to include a caption and photographer's credit. Prints and 35 mm transparencies are also acceptable. Photos will be returned, if possible.

All submissions will be reviewed in a timely manner. Special Warfare reserves the right to edit all contributions. Special Warfare will attempt to afford authors an opportunity to review the final edited version; requests for changes must be received by the given deadline.

Articles that require security clearance should be cleared by the author's chain of command prior to submission. No payment or honorarium is authorized for publication of articles. Material appearing in Special Warfare is considered to be in the public domain and is not protected by copyright unless it is accompanied by the author's copyright notice. Published works may be reprinted, except where copyrighted, provided credit is given to Special Warfare and the authors.

Submit articles for consideration to:
Editor, Special Warfare
USAJFKSWCS, 3004 Ardennes St., Stop A
Fort Bragg, NC 28310
or e-mail them to

For additional information:
Contact: Special Warfare
Commercial: (910) 432-5703
DSN: 239-5703