ESGR in the News


Ridgecrest Regional Hospital honored by Department of Defense for patriotic support

RIDGECREST, Calif. – CEO James Suver and Administrator of Ambulatory Services and Clinics Thomas Bui of Ridgecrest Regional Hospital were each presented with a Patriot Award Aug. 23 by John Colombo, California Employer Support of the Guard and Reserve volunteer in recognition of extraordinary support of their employee serving in the Guard and Reserve.

Suver and  Bui were nominated for being highly supportive of the U.S. Navy Reserve by their Reserve Component employee, Lt. Cmdr. Jomarie Litzinger.

“The Patriot Award was created by ESGR to publicly recognize individuals who provide outstanding patriotic support and cooperation to their employees, who like the citizen warriors before them have answered their nation’s call to serve,” said Jim Combs, California ESGR state chair. “Supportive supervisors are critical to maintaining the strength and readiness of the nation’s Guard and Reserve units.”

Litzinger stated of Suver: “Jim Suver deserves this recognition as CEO of Ridgecrest Hospital because he supported my mobilization to Virginia and then I was extended to Germany and he was very supportive.  I’ve always been supported during my drills and in fact since I have to drive three hours to my NOSC [Navy Operational Support Center], they let me leave just a little bit early.”

Litzinger stated of Bui: “Mr. Bui is so supportive of my military responsibilities.  There has been no stress when I’ve had to leave on mobilization and when it was extended.  I am currently in Germany but would like to give him recognition while I’m gone.  He is also retired Navy as a Lt. Cmdr. and had a special place in his heart for the Navy.”

ESGR, a Department of Defense program, seeks to foster a culture in which all employers support and value the employment and military service of members of the National Guard and Reserve in the United States. For more information about ESGR outreach programs or volunteer opportunities, call (800) 336-4590 or visit
