
  • One-day supply of casual, comfortable clothing (no halter-tops or ragged shorts
  • Three sets of underwear (white)
  • One pair of black, calf-length athletic socks (no color bands, designs or logos). Additional socks can be purchased at the post exchange (PX)
  • A pair of comfortable shoes
  • Eyeglasses (no stylish eyewear)
  • Luggage should be limited to one small suitcase or gym bag
  • One lock (combination or padlock with two keys). Additional locks can be purchased at the PX.
  • Disposable/safety razor with blades
  • Shaving cream (optional for women)
  • Toothbrush with case
  • Hairbrush or 6" black comb
  • One washcloth and towel (Additional items can be purchased at the PX)
  • Anti-perspirant
  • Shower shoes
  • Toothpaste
  • Dental floss
  • Shampoo
  • Soap and soap case
  • $10-$50 in cash
  • Traveler's Checks or Money Orders (Personal checks are not recommended because of limited check-cashing facilities.)
Documents You May Need
  • Social Security card
  • Valid driver's license or current state identification card
  • A direct deposit form from your checking account signed by a bank official, or the name, address, account number and routing number of your financial institution (if applicable)
  • Original or certified copies of your marriage certificate, divorce decree or separation order (if applicable)
  • Original or certified copies of birth certificates of children under 18; affidavit of support from parents; court documents and direct deposit forms if ordered to pay spousal and/or child support (if applicable)
  • Proof of citizenship (if you were not born in the United States)
  • If you are married to a service member in the military, you need to have the name, Social Security number and military address of your spouse
  • Copies of your lease agreement or rental contract for any dependents residing outside of government quarters (if applicable)
  • Original or certified ROTC documentation (if applicable)
  • Original college transcripts; GED or high school diploma
Your Orders
  • Be sure to have all copies of orders and documents issued by your unit recruiter and/or MEPS. These orders must be delivered by you and by hand. Travel and meal tickets will be provided.
Additional Items Women Might Need or Desire To Bring To BCT
  • Undergarments: Panties (cotton recommended), bras, and one full slip (all neutral shade), flesh-tone nylons or pantyhose.
Appropriate Hairstyles
  • Hairstyles not considered appropriate when in uniform: ponytail, extreme bouffant styles, exotic upsweeps and the corkscrew or "corn row" styles.
Clothing and Jewelry
  • Do not mix items of civilian clothing with your uniform and vice versa.
  • You may wear quarter-inch or less pearl, gold, silver or diamond spherical earrings with Army uniforms, except for the Army vombat uniform (ACU) and physical fitness uniform.

Should an emergency arise, the best means of notifying your Soldier is through your local American Red Cross at 1-800-REDCROSS (1-800-733-2767) or Once contacted, your local area field office will contact the Lawton-Fort Sill, OK field office, who will in turn, contact us. In dire emergencies affecting immediate family members (sibling or parent), emergency leave may be granted. Other leaves of absence during training are taken into consideration on a case-by-case basis.

Safety is the number one priority in everything we do in the United States Army. We put a great deal of time, training, and resources into accident prevention, but unfortunately, accidents and injuries do happen. If your Soldier is injured and/or hospitalized, he will receive expedient and appropriate medical attention by trained professionals. If your Soldier is admitted to the hospital for a serious illness or undergoes surgery of any kind, the immediate next of kin, designated on your Soldiers personnel card, will be notified. If your Soldier is hospitalized, you can reach the RACH information desk 24 hours a day, 7 days a week at (580) 558-2000.

No, Soldiers are not authorized leave after their graduation from BCT. Please do not make plans for this and adjust your travel for family day and Graduation accordingly

Yes. Deserving Soldiers (not pending adverse action or serving punishment as a result of adverse action) will be allowed to go on pass after graduation ceremonies. Our graduation information packet will provide further details regarding pass privileges and family day activities. Again, please do not make your graduation travel plans until you know for sure that your Soldier is graduating on time and we publish the graduation and family day schedules. We are not responsible for any charges or fees you incur.

If a Soldier fails one of the mandated combat survival skills, we will retrain the Soldier to meet the standard. Sometimes, physical impairment (an injury or illness) prevents them from attending critical training. To give Soldiers every chance to succeed, we sometimes transfer Soldiers who need additional training time to another unit to give them additional time to achieve the standard, which will change their graduation date.

Everyone has difficulty adjusting to military life because they have never experienced anything like it. Often, they find themselves questioning whether or not they can or want to continue. We encourage you to support your Soldier’s decision to join the Army and encourage them to continue their journey to become a Soldier. Letters from family members provide a significant boost in morale to Soldiers.

In some cases, Soldiers act upon their doubts and leave their unit without permission. Our unit is not run like a jail. We do not prevent Soldiers from leaving on their own. We believe that Soldiers come here to train because they want to improve themselves, to defend their country and/or to prove themselves – that If a Soldier leaves without the knowledge and consent of the chain of command, they have violated Article 86 of the Uniform Code of Military Justice (UCMJ) and will then be considered absent without official leave (AWOL). This violation is a felony offense. Soldiers found guilty of being AWOL by a military courts martial can incur the following maximum punishment: dishonorable discharge from the military, forfeiture of all pay and allowances (to include benefits), and a maximum of 5 years confinement. Once a Soldier goes AWOL, his/her pay is immediately stopped, and their identity distributed to all law enforcement agencies with a warrant for his/her immediate arrest.

Yes, your Soldier will have the opportunity to attend religious services on a weekly basis. Locations and times of religious services vary based on denomination and the training schedule for the unit.

If you have any questions or need information, please feel free to contact us. We'd like to ask that you attempt to go through your Soldier FIRST before calling us as he can answer most of your questions. Please direct all messages that are not an emergency or of a serious nature directly to your Soldier. Remember that if you need to call us, your Soldier will not get in trouble! If the issue is something he can take care of on his own, he will be counseled on that fact, but if it is timely, relevant, and important, he will receive the pertinent information immediately without repercussion.

You will be issued a Store Value Card worth $350 to spend on assigned items at the PX. You will not be allowed to buy any items not allowed in BCT barracks. Once you arrive, you will be given a list of assigned items for BCT that you will use the $350 for. The $350 comes out of your first pay, so be ready for that.

Direct Deposit is mandatory for military pay. You should already have a bank account set up before you arrive, and bring your account information and an ATM/debit card with you. If you don't have an account set up, one of the first things the staff will do is require you to establish an account at the base credit union or base bank. However, it may be several weeks before the bank can give you a debit card, which will impact on your ability to access your cash.

Contact a Soldier

When a Soldier first arrives at Fort Sill for Basic Combat Training they are assigned to the 95th Adjutant General Battalion (Reception), which is part of 434th Field Artillery Brigade, where they begin the basic training process. Soldiers can spend from 7 to 10 days within the brigade reception process before being assigned to an actual training unit. During their time in the reception battalion they are afforded the opportunity to call home. We understand this is an anxious time for a Soldier's family and friends - but this a very busy time for the Soldier and staff preparing them for their journey from civilian to Soldier. Please allow at least 7 days for your Soldier to settle in. If at the end of this time you haven't heard from him or her, call the Brigade Headquarters at (580) 442-1261, or after duty hours (580) 442-1273 for assistance in determining their location. You will need your Soldier's full name and social security number. Soldiers in training are very busy. They are not allowed visitors during the basic training cycle except during Family Day and Graduation (usually on Thursday of the last week of Basic Combat Training.)

All basic combat training Soldiers must process into the 95th Adjutant General Battalion upon arrival of Fort Sill. They receive their uniforms, fill out vital forms, learn rudimentary small group drills and many other tasks (including their first famous buzz cut haircut) while they are at the battalion. They might spend up to a week there before they’re assigned and moved to their training unit. Within 72 hours of arrival at their basic training unit, Soldiers get the chance to make a phone call. The Soldier can call whomever they choose. For most, they usually will not earn the privilege to use the phone again for at least three weeks.

We discourage familes from visiting during Basic Combat Training (BCT). Time is at a premium during the training phase and schedules are extremely tight. Training is difficult to make up and must be completed prior to graduation. You will, however, have the time to visit the day before graduation.

Soldiers in Basic Combat Training (BCT) will have mail call every day per training schedule permitting. We encourage you to send uplifting cards and letters to Soldiers in training. There are mailing do's and don'ts. You may send the following items to a Soldier: Letters Pictures Newspapers and Magazine Articles Please don't send your Soldier mail until they contact you after they leave the 95th Adjutant General Battalion (Reception) and arrive in a Training Battalion. If you send a Soldier mail while he is at the Reception Battalion, the mail must be redirected and will be delayed while it goes to a locator service to determine which Training Battalion your Soldier was shipped to. Don't send the following items to a Soldier: Magazine subscriptions Pornographic material Knives or weapons Drugs of any kind Cigarettes or tobacco Baked goods or packages NOTE: All mail will be delivered to Soldiers, however, Drill Sergeants may have the Soldier open packages to inspect them for contraband items. Letter Addressee Format: Rank, Last Name, First Name "__" Battery, 1-"__" FA Battalion Street Address (varies by unit) Fort Sill, OK 73503 + 4 digit (varies by unit) When making flight reservations, please keep in mind travel time to the airports (approximately 1.5 hours to Oklahoma City, and 20 minutes to Lawton Regional Airport). As always, please contact us with any questions about the above mentioned information or any questions you may have. Travel Safe!

Family Day

The family day demonstration gives families a look at the many fundamental skills your Soldier has learned and applied during their nine weeks of training. We have put together an exciting demonstration, both entertaining and educational, specifically designed for family members. We ask that family members park in designated areas and please be seated in the bleachers 30 minutes before the start of the demonstration so we can begin on time. Uniformed personnel can assist you in finding your way around if you get lost.

All Soldiers can to go on pass with their families. Soldiers with family members attending who wish to go on pass will sign out from the battery the day prior to family day. Soldiers without family in attendance who wish to accompany their fellow Soldier’s or battle buddy’s family on pass may do so. All Soldiers going on pass must sign out at the battery prior to departure. A pass is a privilege for your Soldier, not a right and will be revoked should your Soldier fail to follow the commander’s guidelines. Soldiers must return to their unit in the evening – your Soldier’s battery commander will ensure all Soldiers know their deadline. Battery commanders may not authorize overnight passes during basic combat training.

Family Day pass gives Soldiers a chance to celebrate and relax with family and friends; however, Soldiers must stay in uniform and conduct themselves with professionalism, honor and pride at all times. Do not encourage your Soldier to travel outside the immediate Lawton-Fort Sill area while on pass. Soldiers can accompany family members to some local establishments (restaurants, retail stores and hotels for example), but not to bars, casinos and clubs. All Soldiers in basic training, regardless of age, cannot use tobacco products of any kind, consume alcoholic beverages or drive vehicles of any type during their family day pass. Please help us and your Soldier and transport them back to the unit at the time specified by the commander.

Fort Sill fully meets the most stringent entry policies for installation access as required by the Department of Defense to ensure the security of our facilities, personnel and families. Because we meet those standards, all personnel must have a valid identification card issued by the DoD or the Fort Sill Visitors Control Center (VCC). For full details on how to gain access, visit the VCC Website at

Note that Fort Sill police or guards may search any personally owned vehicle on Fort Sill without warrant. At times, they may search every vehicle entering post. Please cooperate with police officers to expedite this process.

Do not bring a personally owned firearm during your visit to Fort Sill. All firearms must be registered and approved by a commanding officer. Since visitors have no commanding officer, registration of weapons cannot occur.

All civilian and military personnel entering Fort Sill must present a valid license or identification card at the gate. Please take into consideration that all unregistered personally owed vehicles are subject to being searched by the Fort Sill police based on the National Threat Level determined by the Department of Homeland Security. These searches are for your safety and for the security of our military installation. Personally owned fire arms are not allowed on Fort Sill. Please show the utmost cooperation with all Police staff at the gates in order to expedite this process.

In accordance with 32 CFR Section 634.25, using hand-held cell phones while driving a U.S. government vehicle or privately-owned vehicle on Fort Sill is prohibited. This prohibition applies to the driver of the vehicle only and shall not be enforced against any passenger in or on the vehicle. A driver who wants to use a hand-held cell phone must move his/her vehicle safety off or to the side of the road and bring vehicle to a complete stop, out of the way of moving traffic, before using a cell phone. The following uses are permissible This prohibition applies to hand-held cell phones only and is not applicable to microphones or radios typically used in cabs and authorized emergency vehicles. A violation of this prohibition may result in a $50 fine and/or 30 days in jail as decided by the U.S. Magistrate.

Please note posted speed limits on Fort Sill which do not exceed 40 mph. Drivers should note that in the 434th Field Artillery Brigade area speed limits range from 15-25 mph. When passing Soldiers, whether walking alone or in a formation, please slow down to 15 mph.

For those remaining on Fort Sill for Advanced Individual Training (AIT), out-processing will begin after graduation and continue until finished (approximately 1.5 hours). They will then board buses for the short trip to their new unit.

Those Soldiers training at a different installation will normally have the opportunity to go on pass after graduation and will out-process that evening for transportation to their AIT location. Under most circumstances, out-processing begins immediately after the completion of their graduation day pass. At that point, visitors will have no further access to their Soldier.

Your Soldier’s training unit will distribute specific information about graduation and Family Day activities. Direct inquires to their unit. All personnel planning on visiting Fort Sill should review the most current post access policies at the following link, or contact the Fort Sill Visitor Control Center at (580) 442-9603.