» iSalute

Community Support & Wellness Activities

Community Services for Fort Sam Houston

The Department of Nutritional Medicine (DNM) Office of Community Nutrition provides dietitian support for nutrition outreach programs on post and in the surrounding area. Additionally, the community dietitian provides nutrition information at post health fairs, as well as nutritional education for all military unit personnel and civilians employed by post organizations. Instruction topics may include wellness, sports nutrition and weight management.

The DNM community dietitian reviews and approves all menus to ensure that the Slagel, Rocco, MET-C and Camp Bullis dining facilities follow the Army's Go For Green menu standards and support the Soldier Fueling Initiative. The dietitian also attends all quarterly menu board meetings to network with foodservice managers and unit commanders in attendance.

All post installation childcare facility menus are submitted to the community dietitian to ensure compliance with USDA nutrition standards for optimal childhood nutrition. The dietitian provides bi-monthly in-service training for childcare custodians, and Child Youth Center food handlers on food safety and kitchen sanitation.

Please call (210) 808-2232 or 808-3609 to arrange community dietitian support for: