Contact Information

Elizabeth Ransom Program Support Technician 711 N. Pennsylvania Street
Indianapolis IN 46204

Angela Duncan Administrative Support Technician 711 N. Pennsylvania Street
Indianapolis IN 46204

Britt King Program Support Specialist 711 N. Pennsylvania Street
Indianapolis IN 46024


Committee Leadership

Mr. Steve Lynch State Chair Mr. James Tillett Training Director
Mr. Doug Gibbens Vice Chair Mr. Barry Green Military Outreach Director
Ms. Sandy Dye Region 3 Chair Mr. Terry Spicer Military Outreach Deputy Director
Mr. Ken Smith Region 4 Chair Mr. Mike Miner Ombudsman Director
Mr. Charlie Russell Region 5 Chair Mr. Jeff Dossett Ombudsman Deputy Director
Mr. Jerry Clewlow Region 6 Chair Vacant Bosslift Coordinator
Mr. Steve Williams Region 6 Vice Chair


Indiana Employer Support of the Guard and Reserve (INESGR) is a Department of Defense office, led and operated by dedicated volunteers and staff whose mission is to gain and maintain employer support for the Guard and Reserve by recognizing outstanding support, increasing awareness of USERRA, resolving conflicts through mediation and developing initiatives to increase employment opportunities for military service members and veterans.

With the dedication of over 75 volunteers across Indiana, ESGR reaches out to employers and military service members in functional areas such as Employer and Military Outreach, Public Affairs, Mediation, Training, and Employment Programs throughout the State. 

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September 14, 2016Scott County’s Jail Commander receives Department of Defense Patriot Award for military support

SCOTTSBURG, Ind. - Commander Doug Herald of the Scott County Jail was presented with a Department of Defense Patriot Award on Sept. 13 by Jack Mahuron, employer outreach liaison with the Indiana Employer Support of the Guard and Reserve. The Patriot Award was presented in recognition of extraordinary support provided to employees serving in the Guard and Reserve.

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September 13, 2016Managers of Apex Muffler Shop receive Department of Defense Patriot Awards

MICHIGAN CITY, Ind. – Norm Scherer, Brian Kutch, George, Xidas, Chris May, Nick Xidas, and Pete Xidas, of Apex Muffler Shop were presented with Patriot Awards  Sept. 12 by Karen Antink with Indiana Employer Support of the Guard and Reserve and Mary Costello in recognition of extraordinary support of their employee serving in the Guard and Reserve.

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September 13, 2016Noblesville Mayor receives Department of Defense Patriot Award

INDIANAPOLIS – Mayor John Ditslear, City of Noblesville was presented with a Patriot Award Sept. 8  by Barry Green, Indiana Employer Support of the Guard and Reserve, in recognition of extraordinary support of his employee serving in the Guard and Reserve. Mayor Ditslear was nominated for being highly supportive of the National Guard by his Guard employee, Sgt. 1st Class James Butt.

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