
Welcome to the Senior Enlisted Academy home page!

The Navy Senior Enlisted Academy (SEA) provides senior enlisted leaders education in communication skills, leadership and management, national security affairs, Navy programs, and physical fitness.
The SEA is the Navy's only Professional Military Education (PME) institute for our senior enlisted force. With a capacity of supporting over 1,200 students annually, the SEA is attended by active and reserve personnel from the U.S. Navy, Air Force, Army, Army National Guard, Coast Guard, and Marine Corps, as well as International Service partners. 

The SEA has been successful in preparing senior enlisted leaders for positions of greater responsibilities since 1981.  Graduation from the SEA has long been a requirement before assuming Command Master Chief or Chief of the Boat positions.  Furthermore, for E8s selected in MAR 2016 and beyond, graduation from a Service SEA is a prerequisite for promotion to E9.

The SEA offers a single course for all students (Active Duty/FTS, SELRES, Partner Services, and International Service members). 

E7 ALERT:  As of NOV 2016, all E7 quotas for all FY-17 classes have been filled.  If you are an E7, your only hope is to get into a class via its Open Enrollment period.  See "Enrollment Process" link in the right-hand menu for details.

A requirement to attend the SEA is completion of online-PME (computer based training).  See the "
Prerequisite" link in the right-hand menu for more information.

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