PEO EIS Programs

Power Projection Enablers (P2E)

Product Manager (PdM) P2E delivers the full spectrum of OCONUS network, information, and infrastructure modernization services so that Soldiers, Commands and supporting organizations can access, process, and act upon information, anytime, anywhere, thus enabling information dominance across all phases of Joint and Coalition Operations.

P2E has a global presence responsible for acquiring and implementing Enterprise-wide Information Technology capabilities and services supporting deployed forces in the Central Command (CENTCOM), European Command (EUCOM), Africa Command (AFRICOM), and Pacific Command (PACOM) areas of operation. P2E provides the Army with capabilities and adaptive processes that support net-centricity, secure access to knowledge, and improved information systems and services throughout the Army environment.

P2E delivers standardized, global infrastructure that is scalable, accessible, flexible and defensible; enables streamlined access to the Army’s applications, data and enterprise services for Soldiers; and establishes and implements repeatable product baselines and business processes to become more agile and efficient in acquisition and project execution.  P2E uses a diverse group of contracts to tailor acquisitions to best serve the deployed Soldier and meet the mission with Information Technology capabilities, including:

  • Information technology infrastructure modernization and life cycle management of the Army’s OCONUS Regional Area Networks (Voice, Data, and Video) and Strategic Command Centers.
  • Network Access & Infrastructure Services creating an integrated architecture that supports Soldier access to services and information sharing across communities of interest, including: configured physical hardware (routers, switches, wireless access points), access methods, and protocols.
  • Providing a seamless transition of personnel and services to United States Army Garrison (USAG)-Humphreys, under the Korea Transformation, Yongsan Relocation Plan, Land Partnership Plan (YRP/LPP).

Contact Information:
Product Manager: LTC Gregory Soulé
Fort Belvoir, VA
(703) 806-8651

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