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Reserve Sailor Benefits


Upon affiliation with the RC, NAVETs are allowed a mobilization deferment to avoid back-to-back deployments or mobilizations in order to establish themselves in their community and new civilian job without having to deploy. NAVADMIN 07007
NAVETs who affiliate with the Navy Reserve may request:
  • Within 6 months of release from AD, NAVETs receive a 2 year "involuntary" mobilization deferment
  • Within 7-12 months of release from AD, NAVETs receive a 1 year "involuntary" mobilization deferment
Member may "volunteer" for deployment at any time during the mobilization deferment.

Commissary/Exchange Privileges

Reserve Retirement
For in-depth authoritative information, refer to BUPERSINST 1001.39F Chapter 20.
Reserve Retirement Calculator

Health and Dental Insurance - TRICARE
Tricare Reserve Select
TAMP (TA-180)
Servicemembers' Group Life Insurance (SGLI) plan
Uniformed Services Employment and Reemployment Rights Act (USERRA)

Unemployment Compensation

Members returning from active duty may be eligible for unemployment compensation. Please view the link below for information including specific laws, procedures, and requirements in your particular state.

In addition, Navy Reservists are entitled to many of the same benefits they received while serving in the AC.

To download the Reserve Pay and Benefits Guide in PDF click here.


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