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CHIPS Articles: Join IWC Self Synchronization Live with special guests VADM Jan Tighe and RADM Peg Klein!

Join IWC Self Synchronization Live with special guests VADM Jan Tighe and RADM Peg Klein!
Lean In
By ID Self Sync - March 21, 2016
Part of our series of live engagements on YouTube, IWC Self Synchronization Live hosts special guests VADM Jan Tighe, Commander, US Fleet Cyber Command/Commander, US 10th Fleet, and RADM Peg Klein, Senior Advisor to the Secretary of Defense for Military Professionalism.

• What: Women's History Month — Family AND Career: Leaning In

• Who: VADM Jan Tighe and RADM Peg Klein

• When: MON 21 MAR 2016 1000 ET

• Where: Live on YouTube: see below.

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-- Live on YouTube during the event

VADM Tighe bio
RADM Klein bio

For previous IWCsync Live engagements, visit

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