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CHIPS Articles: FRCSE Manufacturing on Cutting Edge of Technology

FRCSE Manufacturing on Cutting Edge of Technology
By FRCSE Public Affairs - August 11, 2014
JACKSONVILLE, Fla. – Fleet Readiness Center Southeast (FRCSE) artisans and engineers are leading the way in additive manufacturing (AM), a new cutting edge technology that uses 3D modeling to create prototyping of aircraft components, fixtures and tools.

The process is putting the military depot at the forefront of innovation by creating aircraft parts in house to increase production, reduce outsourced manufacturing and expand its ability to provide accurate and timely repairs.

“Additive manufacturing is the future of FRCSE,” said Bill Sowell, branch head, FRCSE Manufacturing Engineering Support. “It’s a win-win for everyone. We are staying current with the latest technology by making various parts and tools. This is another tool in the toolbox to help FRCSE meet manufacturing demands in a timely and cost-effective manner so we can rapidly respond to the warfighter’s needs.”

Artisans use blueprints to build computer-aided design files which create models through a 3D software program. The 3D model is then converted to a Standard Tessellation Language file and uploaded to a ZCorp Spectrum Z510 printer. The printer uses a plaster-like powder and binder to build a three-dimensional shaped mold of an object one layer at a time.

“We have been using the ZCorp Spectrum printer to ‘grow’ smaller models for several years, because it is more cost effective,” said Sowell. “In the past, artisans in the manufacturing division used aluminum to create the model or prototype parts which took about 12 to 24 hours. Now, the engineers send us the digital 3D model prototypes, and we can build the model within four hours. If the model needs to be changed, it is modified as needed and regrown for fit checking. Once the prototype is fully accepted by engineering, the 3D model becomes the certified model based definition (MBD) of the part and is released to manufacturing. This MBD and associated technical data is placed into a repository to be used by those needing to manufacture the part.”

Because the model is built layer by layer, the machine is capable of producing a variety of shapes including complex assemblies. These models can be linked or fully assembled depending on engineering specifications. Once the machine completes the building process, the part must harden before being cleaned, sanded, painted or drilled. Artisans fit the model into an aircraft to ensure precise specifications are met. The model is then used by FRCSE Computer Numerical Control programmers who program the equipment and machinists who build the actual parts.

FRCSE continues to advance to new technologies with the addition of a Statasys Fortus 400mc prototyping machine. The Fortus is a new state-of-the-art machine used in industrial manufacturing facilities to build larger parts. The machine is capable of using several different thermoplastic materials to withstand resistance to heat and chemicals as well as eliminating static electricity. These materials are also biocompatible with various compounds.

“We installed the Fortus in April after sending our engineers through training to learn how to operate the new system,” said Sowell. “We are currently prototyping F/A-18 Hornet parts and designing and building tooling, such as form blocks for manufacturing sheet metal parts with great success. In the near future, we hope to be actually building metal parts that are aircraft worthy and can be directly installed on the aircraft.”

To achieve this goal, FRCSE is converting an existing Sciaky Electron Beam Welding System to an Electron Beam Additive Manufacturing System. This new system uses a high energy beam to melt metal wire into a shape and size defined by the 3D model. The process takes place in a large vacuum chamber where various metal alloys are deposited layer by layer until the desired part is created. The part may require machining and inspection to the MBD and engineering specifications before being installed on an aircraft.

“Our top goal is to develop the capability to qualify and certify a flight critical component and install it on an aircraft at the depot within three years,” said Chris Williams, FRCSE AM site lead and a subject matter expert on the Naval Air Systems Command AM Integrated Product Team.

“The process engineering team has been pivotal in our capability at FRCSE by using prototype equipment years ago,” continued Williams. “They began this effort before it became a hot topic and have been looking to upgrade these capabilities. This has placed us in a position to potentially meet that three-year goal. It’s a great opportunity to be at the forefront of a new technology that can provide many benefits and ensure it’s done properly, safely and effectively.”

“We are not just making tools, we are making parts which saves machine time, reduces stock material and provides a capability that does not exist at the moment,” said Williams. “There is also the potential to create aircraft parts directly from this machine. They would still need to complete the finishing process which includes stress relief and heat treatment before being certified by inspectors and mounted on an aircraft.”

The FRCSE Materials Engineering Laboratory is supporting the development of metallic AM for aircraft parts along with engineers from Naval Air Station Patuxent River, the Office of Naval Research, National Aeronautics and Space Administration, Penn State University, and several contractors. The goal of the project is to develop precise AM modeling processes by determining specific material properties used to create metal parts allowing flexibility and rapid qualification of these components.

Analytical Chemist Jennifer Williams of the FRCSE Materials Engineering Laboratory is the subject matter expert on naval additive manufacturing technology interchange and the lead author of "Acceleration of High Impact Additive Manufacturing Technology into the Navy - Initial Recommendations." “This document helps identify a community-recommended path forward for AM implementation and investments,” she said.

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Fleet Readiness Center Southeast (FRCSE) Mechanical Engineer Julio Williams removes a prototype aircraft part created in the ZCorp Spectrum Z510 machine July 16. The machine uses a computer-aided design file via 3D modeling software to build the parts one layer at a time. Once the mold is hardened, sanded, drilled and painted, it is fitted into an aircraft for specific measurements. FRCSE machinists then use the mold to create the actual part for the aircraft. U.S. Navy photo.
Fleet Readiness Center Southeast (FRCSE) Mechanical Engineer Julio Williams removes a prototype aircraft part created in the ZCorp Spectrum Z510 machine July 16. The machine uses a computer-aided design file via 3D modeling software to build the parts one layer at a time. Once the mold is hardened, sanded, drilled and painted, it is fitted into an aircraft for specific measurements. FRCSE machinists then use the mold to create the actual part for the aircraft. U.S. Navy photo.

Fleet Readiness Center Southeast (FRCSE) Sheet Metal Worker Kenny Boykins removes a modeled form block for an F/A-18 Hornet bracket from the Statasys Fortus 400mc printer in the military depot’s manufacturing division Aug. 4. The printer creates the 3D model from a computer-aided design one layer at a time using a thermoplastic product. The modeled form block is then used to form the metal bracket used on the aircraft. U.S. Navy photo.
Fleet Readiness Center Southeast (FRCSE) Sheet Metal Worker Kenny Boykins removes a modeled form block for an F/A-18 Hornet bracket from the Statasys Fortus 400mc printer in the military depot’s manufacturing division Aug. 4. The printer creates the 3D model from a computer-aided design one layer at a time using a thermoplastic product. The modeled form block is then used to form the metal bracket used on the aircraft. U.S. Navy photo.

Harry Rowell, an aircraft sheet metal mechanic with Tyonek Services Corporation, uses a molded block to make a metal part for the EA-6B Prowler aircraft Aug. 4. The modeled block was created using Fleet Readiness Center Southeast’s new Statasys Fortus 400mc printer. U.S. Navy photo.
Harry Rowell, an aircraft sheet metal mechanic with Tyonek Services Corporation, uses a molded block to make a metal part for the EA-6B Prowler aircraft Aug. 4. The modeled block was created using Fleet Readiness Center Southeast’s new Statasys Fortus 400mc printer. U.S. Navy photo.

The new Statasys Fortus 400 mc printer at Fleet Readiness Center Southeast’s (FRCSE) manufacturing division creates a mold of an aircraft part using a computer-aided design file created by an FRCSE engineer. The part is used to determine exact specifications of an aircraft part before the metal part is built by machinists. U.S. Navy photo.
The new Statasys Fortus 400 mc printer at Fleet Readiness Center Southeast’s (FRCSE) manufacturing division creates a mold of an aircraft part using a computer-aided design file created by an FRCSE engineer. The part is used to determine exact specifications of an aircraft part before the metal part is built by machinists. U.S. Navy photo.
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