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CHIPS Articles: Innovation Opportunity for NAVSUP BSC

Innovation Opportunity for NAVSUP BSC
By NAVSUP Business Systems Center Vickie Hardy PAO - November 4, 2015
MECHANICSBURG, Pa. (NNS) -- The Naval Supply Systems Command (NAVSUP) Business Systems Center (BSC), in partnership with the Navy Warfare Development Command (NWDC), recently deployed a new Web-based capability aimed at aiding and improving Navy technicians' decision-making regarding aviation repair items.

Lack of experience, poor troubleshooting skills, and inaccurate test bench recommendations often cause technicians to order parts in multiple iterations, attempting to correct a single discrepancy.

Parts that have nothing to do with correcting the actual discrepancy are often removed and replaced haphazardly. In the year 2010 alone, within just the naval aviation enterprise, $370 million dollars was spent internally on zero-discrepancy repairable items.

An idea to resolve this issue arose from a submission through the CNO's Rapid Innovation Cell. The idea is called Statistically-driven Maintenance Analysis and Reporting Technology (SMART). The SMART concept is intended to put trends found in historical corrective action data into technicians' hands via an intuitive interface. Using this system, a technician will be given a significantly better corrective action based on probabilistic analysis of the historical data. The goal is to create a learning organization at the most fundamental level by leveraging its own prior repair successes.

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TAGS: InfoSharing, KM
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