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Manpower & Reserve Affairs
Strategic Plan


CSLMO Ms. DeFilippiMs. Gwendolyn R. DeFilippi


Advises the Secretary of the Army and other senior leaders on all matters relating to the recruitment, utilization, and lifecycle management of the Executive and Senior Professional (ESP) civilian workforce.

The Civilian Senior Leader Management Office (CSLMO) develops, formulates, coordinates, and administers the Army's executive personnel programs. The executives managed from this office include: Political Appointees, Schedule C; Senior Executive Service (Career and Non-Career), Scientific and Professional, Senior Level, Defense Intelligence Senior Executive Service, Defense Intelligence Senior Level, Board of Contract Appeals, section 1113 positions, pay band 5 positions, Highly Qualified Experts, Consultants, and Experts. This group of executives are collectively known as Executive and Senior Professionals (ESPs).

CSLMO also serves as the executive secretary to and provides administrative support for the Secretary of the Army's (SA) Executive Resources Board (ERB). The ERB plays an active role in the governance and oversight of the ESPs and functions in an advisory capacity to the SA. They address executive personnel planning, utilization of executive resources, executive development, and evaluation of executive personnel programs .

Key Responsibilities

  • Provide deliberate, systematic and predictable approach to management of the career lifecycle of ESPs to produce the best ESP cadre possible.
  • Maintain a pipeline of highly qualified ESPs through executive development, performance assessment and succession planning who are continuously improved to meet executive leadership requirements throughout DoD.
  • Appoint consultants, experts, and Schedule C employees.
  • Support Army Executive Resources Board (ERB) in administering the ERB Charter as it impacts various CSLMO functions.

The following operation and staff activities are provided for ESPs Army wide:

  • recruitment
  • position management
  • classification
  • qualifications determinations
  • documenting merit selections
  • pay setting
  • pay adjustments
  • performance management
  • pay-for-performance
  • pay adjustments and performance awards
  • honorary and monetary awards
  • Presidential Rank Award coordination and ceremony execution
  • discipline
  • adverse action
  • policy coordination
  • strategetic communications
  • executive development programs
  • retirement counseling and benefits services

Frequently Asked Questions

  • What are the mandatory courses for newly appointed Senior Executives (SES and DISES)?
    The Mandatory Foundation Courses for newly appointed SES and DISES can be found on the Executive Education link on the CSLMO website. They are:
    1. Force Integration/Management for Senior Leaders
    2. Senior Leader Communication Workshop
    3. Senior Executive Diversity Awareness Training (SEDAT)
    4. Senior Executive Onboarding
  • How do I get into Executive CHRTAS to apply for training?
    An Executive can access and apply for training through the Executive CHRTAS link located at the bottom of each course description on the Executive Education webpage. When accessing Executive CHRTAS for the first time, Executives must complete a profile. On the main menu of Executive CHRTAS there is also a tutorial that can guide them in navigating the system to apply for courses and receive funding support.
  • What Executive training does CSLMO fund?
    Every course listed on the Executive Education webpage is centrally funded, to include travel, per diem and tuition if applicable. If an Executive is interested in a course outside those offered in the Executive Schoolhouse, they can contact the training branch at to propose a new course and request financial support.

Resources and Related Websites

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