
First Army's Division West, in accordance with the Army Force Generation (ARFORGEN) model, conducts training readiness oversight and mobilization of designated active and reserve component forces in the western area of responsibility in order to provide trained and ready forces to regional combatant commanders.

Division West supports pre-mobilization training for reserve component forces in accordance with ARFORGEN; assesses and reports pre-mobilization readiness for reserve component forces in accordance with ARFORGEN; conducts mobilization and demobilization operations; conducts counter-improvised explosive device, counter insurgency and escalation of force training; provides command and control over assigned and mobilized forces; and provides operational force protection.

Division West conducts battle focused, tough, realistic training to provide equipped and ready Soldiers, units and leaders for the combatant commanders. The command continues to increase strategic responsiveness, flexibility and quality of life for our Soldiers and families while remaining a committed community partner.