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CHIPS Articles: NPC Web Site Reaches 20 Million Visits

NPC Web Site Reaches 20 Million Visits
By MC2 Trevor Andersen, Navy Personnel Command Communications Office - July-September 2007
As of May 1, the Navy Personnel Command (NPC) Web site surpassed the 20 million visitor mark. Since October 2004 when the site first started serving customers, the site has reached numbers as high as 1.3 million visits per month with an average of 15 minutes per visit.

With approximately 3,800 pages of information and links to Department of Defense Web sites, the site is a one-stop shop for everything personnel related for the Navy, said Don Koehler, the NPC Web content manager.

"Everything you would ever want to know about career information, advancement, detailing, relocation assistance, and physical readiness is all done through this site," said Koehler.

"As the official Web site for BUPERS and Navy Personnel Command, we communicate with the total force – active duty, retirees, civilians, contractors, as well as their families, about all personnel issues that impact their lives," he said.

Among the features of the site are forms for Navy and DoD personnel, the Manpower, Personnel, Training and Education Web site and information on selection boards.

For more information, visit

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