
Human capital management is the center of our efforts. Our strategic human capital plan (SHCP) includes a commitment to transform the command culture to one built on Army values and merit principles, aligned with our mission and puts us on a path to becoming an employer of choice. Our people are our most important asset. We will treat our people as such in all human capital strategies. Our plan is a living document with a long-term investment, and our efforts and determination will continue beyond 2025. Your responses to surveys and interviews, human capital reports and studies, as well as strategic plans of those agencies that enjoy high rankings in the categories where we have fallen short guided our efforts. The results of our critical look at ourselves and what we found in the strategic analysis begins on page A-1.

The Army has entrusted our command to provide for and protect those who protect our nation from aggression, and our Civilian workforce is the key to that. We must develop capabilities and attributes in our people to ensure we meet this responsibility. This is a responsibility not taken lightly by the IMCOM Civilian workforce as evidenced by their responses to the surveys year after year – they enjoy their work and consider it important. To this end, we must engage our workforce, recognize and reward achievers, build model supervisors and leaders, and infuse esprit de corps into the workforce.

IMCOM’s success rests on the shoulders of the more than 55,000 people who work every day to fulfill its mission. An agile, adaptive, engaged workforce, whose performance aligns with IMCOM’s organizational objectives, is a prerequisite for IMCOM to improve its mission performance and succeed in our ambitious I2025B Campaign Plan. Based on our research, as set out later in this plan, we can do much better at leading, developing and caring for our people. Because of the vital contribution its people make, IMCOM embarks on its number one priority, which is to commit to its people that they are its most important resource, and to demonstrate that commitment by actions in four areas of focus.

Commitment: Army values apply to everyone in the IMCOM workforce. Living these values engenders commitment, which is a two-way street consistent with Army values from both leaders and those led. That commitment produces lower turnover, fewer employee problems, a higher degree of teamwork, customer satisfaction and the ability to attract the best and brightest talent available. Our Civilian workforce, according to the data gathered, embraces these values and considers our mission a profession rather than merely a job. We can continue to build the most creative, innovative workforce in the Army, using its commitment to our mission as a foundation.

Engaging and Connecting the Workforce: Successful culture change relies on employee engagement in the mission and their connections with each other. Communication is inherent in this process. It enables cooperation, collaboration and innovation – major contributors to growth in wisdom and knowledge. People are the key drivers.

Trust at all levels: Employees want to be a part of a workplace culture that puts a premium on delivering the truth. They want their leaders to share where the organization is headed, involve them in decisions affecting their work and be forthright about the future. Leaders must apply merit system principles and ensure equal opportunity and fairness in human capital decisions so IMCOM reflects the diversity of those it serves and earns the respect and trust of its people.

Supervisors and leaders who are accountable: IMCOM must emphasize the need for and accountability of leaders to provide our people the leadership they deserve. We must ensure we train leaders to have the capability to properly mentor, develop and counsel employees to manage their performance positively and productively. Inherent in this process is the power of communication – promoting transparency and ensuring people understand why decisions are made.

Guided by the I2025B Campaign Plan, the SHCP embarks us on a journey to greatness. It is all about change that reflects shared values, attitudes, goals and practices that drive our behavior and characterize IMCOM. Some efforts are already under way or being developed, but there will be many initiatives to enhance this plan over time. This plan makes change real for everyone and everyone must work to bring this document to life.

The first step in this journey was to listen to you. We commit to you that YOU are our most important resource, and we will demonstrate our commitment by our actions. We commit to becoming an employer of choice for federal employees. We commit to enabling our employees to become agile, adaptive and engaged. We commit to 3 creating a culture where we reward performance, accountability is fundamental, and our people want to stay – but we cannot do this without you.


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