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The Development Assignment Program provides multifunctional training to strengthen the employees' experience by preparing them for broader responsibilities and improving organizational communication. These 30-60 day opportunities are available to applicants in the local commuting area or worldwide depending on the availability of funding. The program has expanded opportunities for learning and development to its participants in order to achieve fully trained, multifunctional and responsive employees.

Phase I - Call for Opportunities:

IMCOM G1 is soliciting short term (30, 45, 60 days) developmental opportunity POSITIONS for the FY16 Developmental Assignment Program (DAP). DAP applicants are highly qualified team members who will undergo a competitive boarding process before being selected.  Therefore, it is critical that hosting organizations clearly identify the objectives, job requirements, and time frame (30, 45, 60 days) needed to provide selectees with an enterprise developmental experience.

 Suspense Date:  12 February 2016

 Opportunity request forms can be found at

 Phase II - Call for Applications:

Upon completion of Phase I (Call for Opportunities), G1, Talent Management/Workforce Development will announce Phase II: Call for Employee Applications.  Check back in mid-February for more information on employee application deadlines. Please send inquiries to:

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Developmental Assignment Program

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