9 Ways to Save Money on Your Phone and Utility Bills

A hand touching a thermostat

Opening your phone and utility bills each month doesn't have to make you cringe. While reducing your energy and phone usage is easy to overlook, it's worth it to help you keep your bills under control and save more money.

Money-saving tips

Start using these tips as soon as possible to begin seeing savings:

  1. Insulate unfinished spaces — like your attic — and use storm windows and weatherproofing materials to reduce heat loss.
  2. Don't crank the heat during cold weather months. Instead, try wearing extra layers of clothing or throwing another blanket on your bed rather than continuously turning up the heat.
  3. Embrace fans during summer months. Try using fans to cool your home or consider opening windows to get a nice cross breeze instead of overusing your air conditioning.
  4. Save water with water-saving showerheads to reduce your consumption, and turn down your water heater temperature to save on heating costs. Don't water the lawn if there's an upcoming rainstorm in the forecast, and avoid refilling backyard swimming pools too frequently.
  5. Turn off lights when you aren't using them, and encourage the rest of the family to do the same.
  6. Save energy when you're out of town. There's no sense heating or cooling your home when you're out of town. Save money by turning off lights and unplugging appliances before you hit the road.
  7. Bundle your phone, internet and cable if you're able. Check with your providers to see if you can bundle services and get a lower rate. Beware of contract restrictions and unnecessary services.
  8. Avoid costly long-distance phone plans. Use free online video chat and phone services to save money on international calls while still staying in touch with your loved ones.
  9. Watch your data use on your mobile device. One of the main ways people end up spending too much on their cell phone bills is by using too much data. Download an app to track your data, and make it a point to connect to a Wi-Fi hotspot whenever available.

Even though your phone and utilities may be necessities, they don't have to cost you an arm and a leg each month. Start using these tips today and see how much you can reduce your bills.


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