JSRRC provides direct support to the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA). This support comprises researching military unit records for information which will assist the VA in making determinations on Veterans’ Post Traumatic Stress Disorder and other health related claims for disability benefits. JSRRC conducts claims research for Veterans of all Services.


  • JSRRC has conducted records research for Veterans claims and other initiatives since 1980 and has completed an average of 10,300 claims per year since 2006 in support of our Veterans.
  • JSRRC developed the DoD Persian Gulf Registry databases containing the names of 758,000 Service personnel and over 900,000 daily locations of units to which these Service Members were assigned in Operation Desert Shield / Desert Storm. These databases were assigned to the Army Surgeon General’s office for ongoing support.
  • JSRRC is not a records archive and does not maintain personnel files, military unit records or historical documents for general distribution to requestors.
  • JSRRC recommends that Veterans and their representatives work through their Regional Offices.  When the Regional Office determines information from military unit records is necessary to process a claim, the Regional Office will request this assistance from JSRRC.
  • JSRRC is not a participant in the Department of Veterans Affair's claims approval process or the claims appeal process (Board of Veteran's Appeals).
  • JSRRC’s support to the VA to provide information from military unit records is a high Congressional interest item with significant visibility.

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