iSalute Link

Preventive Medicine

Audiology Clinic

Hours: 7:30 – 4:30 Monday – Friday

Phone: (580) 558-2000

Location: 1st Floor, West end

Access: By referral and appointment (generally). Walk-in hearing testing services are available only for DOEHRS-HC automated hearing screening testing (8-man booth) for physicals, in/out processing, and MEDPROS updates from 0800-1100 and 1300-1500 daily. Units requiring annual hearing testing and health education for annual hearing conservation requirements should coordinate with the Audiology Clinic's Hearing Conservation Coordinator to schedule an appointment for mass unit hearing testing and health education. Results of hearing testing is provided on a same day basis. Routine audiology testing, or testing with the Audiologist, is available on a referral basis. Retiree hearing testing and the Retiree At-Cost Hearing Aid Program (RACHAP) is also available for military retirees who may need hearing aids by appointment only. For more information on this program, please contact the clinic directly.

Hearing Program - Audiology
RACH, 1st floor Phone: (580) 558-2235

The Fort Sill Army Hearing Program strives to prevent hearing loss and Enhance communication for noise exposed personnel. The program has four major elements: hearing readiness, clinical hearing services, operational hearing services, and hearing conservation. Good hearing enables a soldier and/or civilian employee to maintain critical situational awareness and effective voice communication in any environment (i.e. garrison, industrial, training, operational and combat missions). Noise induced hearing loss is a significant negative personal, financial, and mission impact for our soldiers, civil service employees, and the Army. Hearing is a soldier's most sophisticated sensor. We can HEAR the enemy long before we see the enemy!

Industrial Hygiene
Bldg 2913
Hours 0730 - 1630

Industrial Hygiene: Science and art devoted to the anticipation, recognition, evaluation, and control of those environmental factors or stresses arising in or from the workplace which may cause sickness, impaired health and well being, or significant discomfort among workers or among the community.

1. Goals: - The goals of the Industrial Hygiene Program is to implement the Department of the Army IH mission. - Provide support to the Warfighter, conserve resources, enhance readiness by anticipating, recognizing, evaluating and controlling health hazards where military and civilian personnel work and serve.

2. Objectives: - Ensure regulatory compliance with applicable Federal, State and local laws and DA regulations pertaining to IH hazards. - Conduct workplace health hazard assessments to anticipate, recognize and evaluate IH hazards. - Recommend appropriate engineering and administrative controls, safe work practices and personal protective equipment to prevent or reduce the risk of injury and illness. - Provide training to inform personnel of workplace health and safety risks and the actions for eliminating or minimizing risks.

Environmental Health
Bldg 2913
Ph: 442-0160

Environmental Health has capabilities and activities necessary to anticipate, identify, assess, and control risks posed by environmental health hazards associated with Army activities and Disease and Injury (D&I). The scope of these capabilities addresses issues that impact soldiers, their families, and the civilian work force.


Health Physics/Radiation Safety
RACH 3rd Floor
Ph: 254-466-0415

Health Physics/ Radiation Safety core mission is to identify, mitigate, and notify patient and staff members of any radiological hazards/ concerns within the Reynolds Army Community hospital area of responsibility. Ensure safe use of radiation producing devices and radioactive materials. Services Radiation Safety Training (Awareness, Housekeeping, X-ray Technologist, Radioactive material handlers, Laser, EMI) Nuclear Regulatory License Management (RACH) Radiation area shielding analysis Patient radiation dose calculation/ mitigation Radiation Safety Program Management (TJC compliance, MR 385-24, and Radiation Safety Committee) Radiation producing machine compliance testing Radiation Use areas program assistance visits Medical Nonionizing radiation producing device program.

Pine Bluff Arsenal Occupational Health Clinic
Ph: 870-870-3409
Manages and improves the health of our community through effective Preventive Medicine Service. The USAOHC provides comprehensive Occupational Health and Industrial Hygiene services and Emergency Response in support of Chemical surety, chemical Agent operations, munitions manufacturing and Chemical Bio systems support. The USAOHC is dedicated to ensure continued compliance with all Departments of the Army, Major Army Commands and Chemical Surety inspections. Preventive Medicine's priority is the overall safety and wellbeing of the workers, residents, and local communities surrounding Pine Bluff Arsenal.

McAlester Army Ammunition Plant (MCAAP OHC)
Building 5, 1 C-Tree Road, McAlester, OK 74501
Ph: 918-420-6495
Mission: To enhance installation readiness by offering high quality medical support for the McAlester Army Ammunition Plant. Ensure that all employees are physically and psychologically able to perform assigned duties at the installation to provide direct and ready support the production of critical munitions for US and Allied Forces deployed world-wide. Develop responsive preventive medicine programs to reduce the incidence of occupational illness and injury, disability and compensation costs. Use Industrial Hygiene operations to ensure a safe working environment to all plant personnel. Evaluate all personnel for pre- and post-deployment concerns and issues to assure proper support to American and Allied Forces in all theaters of operations.

Occupational Medicine Clinic
Location: 2nd Floor, across from main elevators (North side of hospital).

Hours of Operation:
Monday - Friday
7:00 - 16:00
Phone: (580) 558-2000, option 5, option 3, then option 3 or 4.

Mission: Provide prompt, convenient, and professional health services to our civilian employees and Active duty soldiers. We are committed to promote and maintain the physical, psychological well-being of our patients by managing health risks at work and utilizing proactive health strategies. To improve the health and well-being of all or patients through health education and workplace health promotion, resulting in the improvement of productivity, morale, and injury prevention.

Army Wellness Center (AWC)
2868 Craig Road, Fort Sill, OK 73503
Ph: 580-442-0680

Hours of Operation:
7:30 am - 16:30 pm, closed from 1200-1300 for lunch.
BOD POD Walk-in hours: Monday - Friday 0800-1130, Monday – Thursday 1330-1530.

Army Wellness Centers provide standardized primary prevention programs designed to promote and sustain healthy lifestyles and improve the overall wellbeing of Active Duty Service Members, Family Members, Retirees, and DoD Civilians using state of the art equipment and techniques. Available Services: Metabolic Testing and Weight Management, Exercise Testing and Exercise Prescription, Stress Management and Biofeedback, accurate Body Composition Analysis, Sleep Education, Wellness Coaching, Health Assessments, and Nutrition Education. All services are free and open to all beneficiaries and civil service employees.