Coding of DON Positions Performing Cybersecurity Functions

DON CIO Memo - Publish Date: 04/08/15

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This memo details how the DON Chief Information Officer, DON Office of Civilian Human Resources, and Navy and Marine Corps civilian cybersecurity management personnel developed the responsibilities, requirements, and procedures necessary for FY 2015 implementation of OPM's direction to code positions that perform cybersecurity work with Cybersecurity Data Element Codes.


Ref: (a) United States Office of Personnel Management (OPM) Memorandum for Heads of Executive Departments and Agencies, Subject: Special Cybersecurity Workforce Project, of July 8, 2013

Encl: (1) Department of the Navy Civilian Cybersecurity Workforce Position, Personnel and Position Description Coding Guide

Per reference (a), the Department of the Navy (DON) is required to code positions that perform cybersecurity work with Cybersecurity Data Element Codes established by the Office of Personnel Management (OPM). The OPM memo directs agencies to develop plans to complete initial position coding and then incorporate coding into agency hiring and position classification processes.

Together, the DON Chief Information Officer, DON Office of Civilian Human Resources, and Navy and Marine Corps civilian cybersecurity management personnel developed the responsibilities, requirements, and procedures necessary for FY 2015 implementation of OPM's direction. The result of this collaboration is enclosure (1), which provides guidance for DON Workforce Managers and Civilian Human Resources personnel for coding DON civilian positions performing cybersecurity work. The guide also includes instruction on incorporating the OPM Cybersecurity Data Element code into DON civilian position description documentation.

The DON point of contact for this matter is Mr. Chris Kelsall, who can be reached at, or 703-695-1903.

Signed by:
John A. Zangardi

TAGS: Cybersecurity, Workforce

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