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AMEDD Personnel Proponent Directorate (APPD)

Welcome to the AMEDD Personnel Proponent Directorate, more commonly known as APPD. We are located at Fort Sam Houston.

About Us

We are the link between manpower and human resources...or to put it another way...we develop recommendations for spaces (positions) that turn into faces (soldiers/employees). We also recommend policy changes for the training, education, leader development and promotion of the faces.

Our Mission
We analyze, synchronize, and integrate AMEDD personnel life-cycle management with doctrinal and force structure changes.

Our Vision
To be the link in building tomorrow's AMEDD.

Dash Officer Division
Dash Enlisted Division
Dash Civilian Division
Dash Force Structure Division
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To Be the link in building tomorrow's AMEDD
APPD Structure Wheel

Structure describes the personnel proponent dimension of the Army's force development function. Force development defines military capabilities and creates the force structure required to provide those capabilities.

Acquisition describes the function of managing the total Army's end-strength. This function ensures that the Army is staffed with the proper number of people in the right grades and skills, and within the manpower budget, to meet the Army's requirements. Acquisition has three important dimensions. Manpower management, accession, and training integration.

Distribution describes the function of distributing available personnel to units based on the Army's requirements and in accordance with Headquarters Department of the Army (HQDA) priorities.

Monitor strength levels by skill/qualifications to insure the AMEDD can meet Deployment (go to war) requirements.

Professional Development
Development describes the process of developing people mentally, morally and physically. This includes both character and leadership development, education, and training. The process begins with initial entry training, which provides an orderly transition from civilian to military life. Thereafter, the chain of command develops individuals through training, education, and both professional and self-development programs.

Compensation describes all of the functions associated with pay, entitlements, and benefits for Army personnel. Proponents will recommend changes to policies relative to civilian compensation matters. Proponents will also develop concepts for the use of compensation and benefits to improve the health of the career field, branch or functional area.

Sustainment describes how the Army attends to the well being of its people. It includes programs directed specifically at the quality of life and the well being of Soldiers, civilians, retirees, their families and the employers of Reserve Component members.

Transition describes an integrated function focused on assisting Soldiers, Army civilians, and their families through changes associated with moving among components and/or to private sector. Proponents will recommend all.

What does that mean, exactly?

Simply stated, APPD ensures that there are enough quality personnel, in adequate numbers, with the appropriate skills, and in the appropriate grades, to meet the future needs of the Army. Here is a partial list of the strategic offices we interact and communicate with on any given day:

OTSG Office of The Surgeon General
USARC US Army Reserve Command
HRC Human Resources Command
OCAR Office of the Chief, Army Reserve
USAREC United States Army Recruiting Command
NGB National Guard Bureau
OPM Office of Personnel Management
DoD Department of Defense
ASA(M&RA) Assistant Secretary of the Army for Manpower & Reserve Affairs
ACOMs Army Commands
ASCCs Army Service Component Commands
DRUs Direct Reporting Units
Army G-1 Army Personnel Plans, Programs, Policies
Army G3/5/7 Army Operations, Readiness, Plans, and Training policy
SMEs Subject Matter Experts
USAFMSA United States Army Force Management Support Agency
APPD Acronym List
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Even though the name of this office contains the word "Personnel", there are significant differences between APPD and other personnel offices and organizations. First of all, we do not process personnel actions (hire).

At APPD we are always focused on the future: 2-5 years out. We care about what's happening tomorrow; whereas the Human Resource Command (HRC) or the Civilian Personnel Advisory Center (CPAC) care about what's happening today.
  • We care about spaces from a corporate point of view; whereas, HRC & CPAC care about the faces to fill the spaces.
  • We look at year groups as a whole; whereas, HRC/CPAC looks at the individuals within the year groups.
  • We assist in establishing accession numbers; HRC/CPAC looks at filling vacancies.
  • We recommend changes to promotion policies; HRC/CPAC reviews promotion applications.
  • We identify school seat requirements; HRC/CPAC program personnel to fill the school seats.

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Here are just a few of the functions that we perform at APPD.

Force Structure Division
The Force Structure Division supports the analysts in APPD’s Officer and Enlisted Divisions by collecting data from other official sources throughout the Department of Defense, combining it with past years’ data, then analyzing the results.  This helps to give the analysts the tools they need to determine if their particular corps in the Army Medical Department (Medical, Dental, Nurse, Medical Service, Medical Specialist, and the Veterinary Corp) will have enough personnel to support their mission in the years to come.  Each year, the Force Structure Division hosts a vital 2-day conference where representatives from Army Commands located all over the world attend to request the manpower they feel is needed to support their medical mission in the future.

The Officer Division
The Officer Division is not a traditional officer personnel office.  We deal with “spaces,” not “faces” of Army Medical Department (AMEDD) officers.  We analyze data and make recommendations on accession (recruiting), training, and promotion goals for AMEDD officers in all medical fields (specialties) (physicians, nurses, pharmacists, physical therapists, dentists, veterinarians, etc.).  We use a computer program that utilizes current numbers and historical data of Officers in a particular specialty and can add or change numbers to visualize future promotion rates, or the impact of staffing changes. We utilize this information to recommend changes (creating, revising, or deleting specialties) to The Surgeon General of the Army.  We also review the various courses taught at the Army Medical Department Center and School to ensure content is up-to-date and meet Army requirements.

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The Enlisted Division
Each Soldier in the Army Medical Department works in a medical specialty such as Health Care Specialist, Pharmacy, Animal Care, Dental, Respiratory, Radiology, Nutrition Care, to name just a few.  The Enlisted Division in APPD consists of civilian analysts and Senior Non-Commissioned Officers (NCO) who makes sure that the Army has enough enlisted Soldiers in each Medical specialty to accomplish the Army’s mission in future years.  To do this, the analysts and Senior NCOs consider the following:
  • How long it takes to train a newly enlisted Soldier to be an Operating Room Specialist, or any of the other specialties;
  • What training do they need to maintain their skills in that specialty or to get promoted to the next higher grade or position;
  • Recommendations on what medical specialties should be a part of an Army unit or organization;
  • Eligibility and prerequisites for attendance to participate in additional medical training.
The analysts also provide career roadmaps and advice recommendations and receive feedback from Commanders and their Soldiers currently working in their areas of expertise. All of this creates a professional Medical Soldier at the right place, with the right skills, to meet the needs of the Army.

The Civilian Division
The Civilian Division analyzes and makes recommendations pertaining to the training, education, and development of civilian employees in medical-related occupations. Our primary focus is on the 81 Civilian occupations grouped under Career Program 53-Medical. These positions range from professional occupations (Physician, Nurse, Dental Officer) administrative (Medical Records Technician, Health System Specialist), technical (Nursing Assistant, Dental Assistant), to clerical (Medical Support Assistant) or other (Prescription Eyeglass Making, Animal Caretaking). We create individual training plans or roadmaps that help employees progress in their careers. In addition, we provide career management recommendations for over 100 non-medical occupations within the United States Army Medical Command. We also coordinate an Intern Program that recruits employees at entry-level grades, provides a training program, and promotes them to the target grade in two years. Medical Command.

Contact Us
AMEDDC&S AMEDD Personnel Proponent Directorate:(210) 221-9936 DSN 471
2377 Greeley Road, Suite A
| Fort Sam Houston, TX 78234-7584

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This Web site provides an introduction to the U.S. Army Medical Department's headquarters organizations, which are the Office of the Army Surgeon General and U.S. Army Medical Command headquarters. It is intended for interested members of the public, news media and Army Medical Department beneficiaries.
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