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About Us


The Department of the Navy is one of the most complex organizations in the federal government. It is comprised of more than 20 Navy Commands and Organizations, the United States Marine Corps and secretariat organization. The Department of the Navy civilian workforce is among the most technically savvy and talented — more than half of the workforce includes highly technical engineers, logisticians, mathematicians, and information technology and acquisition specialists.

The Office of Civilian Human Resources aims to ensure that the Department of the Navy has the right people in the right place at the right time. This office is responsible for developing civilian policies and programs for the Deputy Assistant Secretary of the Navy. The office also delivers HR services and support to all of the Department of the Navy organizations and its more than 195,000 civilian employees in the more than 500 different occupations.


Civilian HR Leadership


Franklin R. Parker assumed the duties of assistant secretary of the Navy (ASN) (Manpower and Reserve Affairs (M&RA)) in January 2016, following his confirmation by the Senate. In this capacity, he is responsible for matters pertaining to manpower and personnel policy within the Department of the Navy (DoN), including issues affecting Active and Reserve Component Sailors and Marines, and DoN civilians.

Paige Hinkle-Bowles is Deputy Assistant Secretary of the Navy for Civilian Human Resources (DASN (CHR)). She is the senior advisor to the Under Secretary and Assistant Secretary (Manpower and Reserve Affairs) of the Navy on policies and programs impacting the entire civilian workforce.

Tony TorresRamos is Director of the Office of Civilian Human Resources, an Echelon 2 Command comprised of five HR Operations Centers and headquarters employing more than 1,000 employees. As the director, he is responsible for the day-to-day management of civilian policies and programs and provides guidance to the Department of the Navy human resources leadership.


Did you know?


There are about 200,000 DON civilian employees working for the Department of the Navy – the size of the top Fortune 500 companies

There are more than 558 occupations – from accounting to zoology

More than 50,000 of the civilians are engineers and world-class scientists/researchers

About ~57,000 civilians hold bachelor’s degrees; ~27,000 have master’s degrees and ~4,400 are PhDs

More than 35,000 civilians are blue collar artisans

Nearly 7,000 civilians work in the medical community.

Veterans comprise more than half of the civilian workforce