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CHIPS Articles: Civilian Workforce and One Navy Team Documents Released

Civilian Workforce and One Navy Team Documents Released
By Chief of Naval Operations Public Affairs - October 14, 2016
WASHINGTON (NNS) — The Office of the Chief of Naval Operations released The Navy Civilian Workforce Framework and One Navy Team Guidance on October 14th.

Both initiatives were recently discussed by CNO and MCPON during a Gold Line of Effort all hands call in Norfolk.

In the Navy's "A Design for Maintaining Maritime Superiority," there are four specific lines of effort; Gold is "Strengthen our Navy Team for the Future."

"To remain competitive amidst change, we will need a highly capable Navy Team," said CNO. "The Navy Team is defined in the Design as 'a diverse mix of active duty and reserve Sailors, Navy civilians, and our families.' Our Team is our competitive advantage and is the key to our success."

The civilian framework is the first step toward identifying what Navy can do to strengthen the civilian workforce, and by extension the Navy Team as a whole.

Navy civilians offer unique technical expertise, continuity of knowledge and experience, and diversity of thought and perspective.

The plan to strengthen Navy's civilian workforce is outlined in the framework, and will be further developed by more specific guidance that will specify actions each command will take to meet the objectives outlined in the document.

"This Framework lays out our institutional obligations to the civilians who chose to join our Team, and the expectations we have in return," said Richardson. "The aim is that the Framework further strengthens the bonds within our Team, setting the conditions for maintaining maritime superiority."

In the One Navy Team document, CNO goes beyond traditional diversity and inclusion guidance and gets at action.

CNO writes, "Generating success as a team means going beyond merely understanding the unique perspectives of different people and cultures - understanding is too passive. Achieving top performance is enhanced when leaders tap into the energy and capability of an actively inclusive team."

Both documents can be found at

NORFOLK (Sept. 29, 2016) Chief of Naval Operations (CNO) Adm. John Richardson discusses the Navy's rating modernization during an all hands call with Master Chief Petty Officer of the Navy (MCPON) Steven Giordano. Effective immediately, Sailors will no longer refer to each other by rate IE YN1, but rather by rank IE PO1. Other personnel policy and program changes are being reviewed to ensure Sailors are afforded more billet opportunity and career flexibility. U.S. Navy photo by Petty Officer 1st Class Martin L. Carey.
NORFOLK (Sept. 29, 2016) Chief of Naval Operations (CNO) Adm. John Richardson discusses the Navy's rating modernization during an all hands call with Master Chief Petty Officer of the Navy (MCPON) Steven Giordano. Effective immediately, Sailors will no longer refer to each other by rate IE YN1, but rather by rank IE PO1. Other personnel policy and program changes are being reviewed to ensure Sailors are afforded more billet opportunity and career flexibility. U.S. Navy photo by Petty Officer 1st Class Martin L. Carey.
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