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Director's Page

First of all, thank you for your service to our nation. America is better off thanks to patriots like you.

Welcome to SFL-TAP. Our only goal is to help you as you transition back into the civil sector that we all came from. I recommend you to take full advantage of the many SFL-TAP tools and leverage our partners to ensure you make a smooth and successful transition to civilian life.

Critical to your success is an individual (or household) transition plan. Our team of counselors will help you prepare your plan. Your plan should focus on your individual path and circumstances, whether your goal is furthering your education, getting a job, finding out how to get the benefits you are entitled, or a combination of all of these. Remember, just like your time in uniform, a good plan is key to mission accomplishment.

I encourage you to start early in your preparation. Our goal for you, is to leave our ranks confident in your preparedness.

Thank you for your service.

Army Strong, FOR LIFE!

Walter Herd
Director, Soldier For Life — Transition Assistance Program

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