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CHIPS Articles: NAVIDFOR Holds Leadership Summit

NAVIDFOR Holds Leadership Summit
By NAVIDFOR Public Affairs - November 9, 2015
Suffolk, Va. (NNS) -- More than 100 Information Dominance Corps (IDC) senior leaders, commanding officers (COs), executive officers (XOs) and command master chiefs (CMCs) gathered in Suffolk, Virginia, this week to attend the Navy Information Dominance Forces (NAVIDFOR) second annual Commander's Summit.

The goal of the summit was to bring together commands administratively aligned under NAVIDFOR for discussions on type command (TYCOM) matters such as readiness challenges, readiness reporting, priorities, lines of responsibilities and readiness issues.

"The summit gave IDC leadership an opportunity to learn about NAVIDFOR's progress over the last year," said Rear Adm. Matthew J. Kohler, NAVIDFOR commander. "It was a chance to gather face-to-face and discuss where we are, where we're going and what we need to do to reach our goals."

Topics ranged from force generation and requirements, to fiscal updates and training issues. The three-day summit included time for open mic discussions to exchange ideas and provide feedback on ways to improve readiness across the Navy's Information Dominance domain.

In his closing remarks, Kohler thanked everyone for coming and expressed the value of having face-to-face conversations with command leaders.

"In its first year, IDFOR aligned nearly 500 military and civilian employees serving across four different commands and brought 64 commands into IDFOR under an ADCON [administrative control] relationship." Kohler said. "Establishing a type command has been groundbreaking for the Navy in many ways, and we need to keep the momentum going to ensure we are meeting the needs of the Information Dominance operational commanders and are raising the bar on warfighting readiness."

NAVIDFOR's mission is to drive readiness for global ID commands both afloat and ashore and to free the operational ID commands from administrative distractions so they can focus on operations.

For more news from Navy Information Dominance Forces, visit

SUFFOLK, Va. (November 06, 2015) Rear Adm. Matthew J. Kohler, commander of Navy Information Dominance Forces (NAVIDFOR) Command delivers closing remarks to leadership from more than 60 commands at the close of NAVIDFOR's 2015 Commander's Summit. U.S. Navy photo by Michael J. Morris
SUFFOLK, Va. (November 06, 2015) Rear Adm. Matthew J. Kohler, commander of Navy Information Dominance Forces (NAVIDFOR) Command delivers closing remarks to leadership from more than 60 commands at the close of NAVIDFOR's 2015 Commander's Summit. U.S. Navy photo by Michael J. Morris
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