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CHIPS Articles: Don't Wait – Communicate!

Don't Wait – Communicate!
September is National Preparedness Month
By Navy Installations Command Public Affairs - August 27, 2015
WASHINGTON (NNS) -- The time to prepare for an emergency is before the first raindrop falls, the first crack of lightning splinters the sky, or the first media report of a storm warning elevates your fear factor.

The time to make a plan is now-don't wait! This urgent theme of action is the focus of September's National Preparedness Month: Don't wait. Communicate! Make an emergency plan today that includes how you'll communicate with your family if disaster strikes.

"We may not know when a wildfire will break out or a flood will occur, but with a communication plan, your family will know who and how to contact someone so you'll know if our loved ones are safe in any emergency," said Jeff Sanford, Navy Installations Command emergency management specialist. "Having a documented and well-thought-out plan can be the difference between calm and panic in a storm or other disastrous event."

Your communications plan should include how to advise your family members on your status, location, next steps, and a place to go where you'll be safe and can be found.

All Sailors, civilian personnel, and families are urged to assess their readiness at home and abroad and act during the month-long campaign culminating with America's PrepareAthon! (AP!) National Day of Action on Sept. 30.

There are several other ways to participate in National Preparedness Month and AP!:

-- Follow @ReadyNavy, @Readygov, and @PrepareAthon and share the conversation with #NatlPrep and #PrepareAthon.
-- Conduct an emergency drill at home to practice your escape routes, such fire, or tornado exercise.
-- Register to receive Wide Area Alert Network and local emergency alerts.
-- Purchase flood insurance, which can take 30-days to go into effect.
-- Collect and safeguard important documents (e.g., insurance policies and birth records).
-- Assemble or update emergency supply kits.

For more information on Ready Navy, visit, or contact Ready Navy by e-mail at or by phone at (202)433-9348, DSN 288-9348.

Follow Ready Navy on Facebook (, Twitter (@ReadyNavy), YouTube, and Instagram.

For more information on Navy Installations Command, visit and

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