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CHIPS Articles: Five Years of Innovation and Operational Excellence

Five Years of Innovation and Operational Excellence
FCC Announces 2014 Sea and Shore Sailors of the Year
By Command Master Chief (IDW/SW) Jon R. Taylor - February 9, 2015
In January of 2010, the Chief of Naval Operations stood up U.S. Fleet Cyber Command and U.S. 10th Fleet (FCC/C10F) was recommissioned. Over these past five years, we have stayed steady on the mission — to conduct operations in and through cyberspace, the electromagnetic spectrum, and space. While we have seen the landscape in which we operate rapidly evolve, the FCC/C10F Sailors operating around the world have remained dedicated to ensuring the Navy and our joint and coalition partners have the freedom of action to complete their missions as well as have the right information when they need it.

Those Sailors are doing important and essential work, innovating every day to meet the evolving threat, and I hear the praise of their dedication from the commanders in the Fleet to the leadership of the Pentagon. This is one of the many reasons I’m pleased that this year marks the first that we’ve held a FCC Sailor of the Year competition. Out of the over 11,000 number of Sailors that makeup FCC worldwide operational domain, the leadership of the Command recognized 10 Sailors as superior performers that are not only crucial to the mission, but leaders and mentors in their own right.

These Sailors have shown their value as willing to take on the toughest challenges and pass along what they’ve learned to others. They are focused on the strategic goals of the command, which are:

  1. Operate the Navy network as a warfighting platform;
  2. Conduct tailored signals intelligence (SIGINT);
  3. Deliver warfighting effects;
  4. Create shared cyber situational awareness; and
  5. Establish and mature Navy’s Cyber Mission Forces.

I’m very proud of each of the Sailors who have been nominated, and both the work and commands they represent. They truly embody our guiding principles of leadership, operational excellence, agility, transparency, and accountability.

The 2014 Sea and Shore Sailors of the Year announcement is available at and, in the meantime, if you want to be part of the Information Dominance Corps or a cyber warrior, contact your recruiter or your command career counselor.

US Fleet CyberComm Sailor of Year Awards & Navy Unit commendation Award to 10th Fleet Vice Adm. Tighe.
US Fleet CyberComm Sailor of Year Awards & Navy Unit commendation Award to 10th Fleet Vice Adm. Tighe.

Sailors in the FCC Sailor of the Year competition.
Sailors in the FCC Sailor of the Year competition.
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CHIPS is an official U.S. Navy website sponsored by the Department of the Navy (DON) Chief Information Officer, the Department of Defense Enterprise Software Initiative (ESI) and the DON's ESI Software Product Manager Team at Space and Naval Warfare Systems Center Pacific.

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