IT Investment Management

The DON CIO provides the Department IT investment management guidance by providing oversight of capital planning, business case preparation and review, portfolio management and the DoD IT Portfolio Registry (DITPR)-DON. More.

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Information Technology Procurement Request (ITPR) Process

DON CIO Memo - February 12, 2016

This memorandum establishes process improvements to the ITPR Process.

Information Technology Controls Self-Assessment Of Financially Relevant Information Systems

Joint DON Memo - June 26, 2014

The purpose of this memo is to respond to the Secretary of the Navy's direction that the Department's Schedule of Budgetary Activity must be audit ready in Fiscal Year 2014, with full audit readiness achieved by 2017.

Certification and Annual Review Processes for Enterprise Information Environment Mission Area, Warfighter Mission Area, and Defense Intelligence Mission Area Systems

DON CIO Memo - February 7, 2014

This memo states that Enterprise Information Environment Mission Area (EIEMA), Warfighter Mission Area (WMA), and Defense Intelligence Mission Area (DIMA) systems will conduct certifications and annual reviews that will be reviewed and approved by the Department of the Navy Chief Information Officer, the DON Deputy CIO (DDCIO) (Navy), or the DDCIO (Marine Corps), as appropriate.

Developing More Stringent Security Control Requirements For Financially Relevant Systems To Support Audit Readiness

Joint Memo - November 3, 2013

This joint memo details how the Department of the Navy must achieve audit readiness of its Statement of Budgetary Resources by 2014 and full audit readiness by 2017. Our Defense Business Information Technology systems are part of the critical infrastructure that will support our ability to achieve and sustain audit readiness. A comprehensive assessment of the business processes and data within these systems is critical ...

DON Mission Area Determination Process

DON CIO Memo - May 21, 2013

This memo provides guidance for determining the appropriate mission area for ongoing or new information technology investments.

Certification and Annual Review Processes for Enterprise Information Environment Mission Area, Warfighter Mission Area and Defense Intelligence Mission Area Systems

DON CIO Memo - April 16, 2013

This memo states that Enterprise Information Environment Mission Area, Warfighter Mission Area, and Defense Intelligence Mission Area systems will conduct certifications and/or annual reviews that will be reviewed and approved by the Department of the Navy Chief Information Officer and the DON Deputy CIO (DDCIO) (Navy) or DDCIO (Marine Corps), as appropriate.

DON Business Transformation Plan Fiscal Year 2013 and Fiscal Year 2012 Annual Report

DON Guidance - December 28, 2012

The DON Business Transformation Plan Fiscal Year 2013 and Fiscal Year 2012 Annual Report focuses on the DON's approach to business transformation. It is focused on incremental, evolutionary improvements to operations, making targeted investments in new processes and scaling them to meet enterprise demands. This risk managed and cost sensitive approach also allows the DON to maintain its agility for utilizing new ideas ...

Fiscal Year 2013 Business Mission Area Process Changes

Joint DON Memo - November 14, 2012

This memo details the significant changes to the requirements for investment review and certification of defense business systems before appropriated and non-appropriated funds can be obligated. These changes necessitate modifications to the Department of the Navy's business system review process, which supports the Department of Defense's investment review process.

Assessment of Information Technology Systems That Enable and Sustain Audit Readiness

Joint DON Memo - September 17, 2012

This memo provides details on the process the Department of the Navy must follow to improve financial information and move towards auditable financial statements. They must do this in order to comply with the challenge put forth by the Secretary of Defense to attain financial auditability by 2014. The FY2011 National Defense Authorization Act requires the Department of Defense to be audit ready by 2017.

Investment Review Board Process and Program Manager Accountability

Deputy Under Secretary of the Navy Memo - March 2, 2012

The National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2012 requires all Defense Business Systems (DBS) with a total cost in excess of $1 million over the Future Years Defense Program, appropriated or non-appropriated, to be pre-certified by the DON chief management officer and then be certified by the Investment Review Board and DBS Management Committee. The goal of this memo is to reestablish the certification package ...

DON Information Technology Policy Guidance for Fiscal Year 2012

DON CIO Memo - December 15, 2011

Since its inception, the focus of the Department of the Navy Information Technology Policy Guidance has been on enabling knowledge dominance by directing that our information management/information technology spending support the creation of a joint, net-centric naval networking environment. The net-centric vision remains a goal, but cutting the Department's IT spending is the priority for 2012. In the face of sharply ...

DITPR-DON Process Guidance v1.0

DON Guidance - December 5, 2011

The Department of Defense Information Technology Portfolio Repository-Department of the Navy (DITPR-DON) process guidance document provides a comprehensive discussion of core DITPR-DON functionality and basic lifecycle transactions. This information will enable all users to gain the understanding necessary to perform the basic IT asset management functions of registering, transferring and archiving DON IT systems within ...

Demonstrating Consistency with Global Information Grid Policies and Architecture as Part of Title 40/Clinger-Cohen Act Confirmation

DON CIO Memo - November 15, 2011

The purpose of this memo is to articulate the Department of the Navy expectations associated with ensuring that an acquisition is consistent with the Global Information Grid policies and architecture, as part of the Title 40/Clinger-Cohen Act confirmation process.

Guide for Alignment of Two-Pass/Six Gate Governance and Title 40/CCA Confirmation Processess ("Proactive CCA")

ASN(RDA) Memo - November 7, 2011

This guide provides a Gate review/Clinger Cohen Act (CCA) alignment process to be used by Department of the Navy program managers of designated information technology programs. The information from this guide will be incorporated into the next update of the SECNAVINST 5000.2. All SYSCOMs, PEOs, ACAT I and ACAT ll program managers of designated "Proactive CCA'' programs should become familiar with this alignment process ...

DON Secretariat Information Technology Expenditure Approval Authority

UNSECNAV Memo - September 19, 2011

This memo designates the Department of the Navy Chief Information Officer as the Information Technology Expenditure Approval Authority for the Secretariat.

Efficiency and Effectiveness Review of DON IT Systems

UNSECNAV Memo - September 19, 2011

This memo tasks the Department of the Navy Chief Information Officer as the Secretary of the Navy's senior advisor on information technology/national security systems (NSS) performance, and as the DON IT/Cyberspace Efficiency Lead, to analyze and assess the DON's IT/NSS investments for efficiency and effectiveness and make recommendations for actions that could be taken to reduce the Department's IT costs while ...

DON Data Center Consolidation Policy Guidance

DON CIO Memo - July 20, 2011

This memo establishes a moratorium to halt all Department of the Navy investment (to include individual program of record resources) in increased data storage capacity without first determining that existing DON data center capacity is insufficient to meet the storage requirements, and determining it is not more cost effective to expand capacity in an existing DON owned Space and Naval Warfare Systems Command, Navy ...

DON Information Technology Expenditure Approval Authorities

DON CIO Memo - July 19, 2011

This memo requests that the Navy and Marine Corps each designate an Information Technology Expenditure Approval Authority (ITEAA). The ITEAA will be responsible to ensure that all information technology projects undertaken by the Navy and Marine Corps are integral parts of rationalized service portfolios, aligned with DON IT goals and conform to the DON and Department of Defense enterprise architectures. No resource ...

Program Protection Plan Outline and Guidance

DoD Guidance - July 18, 2011

This document provides an outline, content and formatting guidance for the Program Protection Plan (PPP) required by DoDI 5000.02 and DoDI 5200.39. The outline structure and tables are considered minimum content that may be tailored to meet individual program needs. The guidance is based on the July 18, 2011, memo, "Document Streamlining -- Program Protection Plan," which can be found on the first page of the ...

DON Navy Marine Corps Portal Environment Strategy

DON CIO Memo - July 7, 2011

This memo directs the consolidation of the Department of the Navy's portal and web services into an integrated and centrally governed Navy Marine Corps Portal Environment (NMCP) to enhance an effective security posture and to ensure mission effectiveness, cost savings, interoperability and ease of use. It establishes the vision, goal, objectives and governance to be used to create the framework and enable the DON to ...

Appointment of DON Deputy Chief Information Officer as Functional Area Manager Authority for Navy

VCNO Memo - June 10, 2011

This memo appoints the Department of the Navy Deputy Chief Information Officer as the single Functional Area Manager authority for Navy.

Guidance for the Preparation and Submission of the FY 2013 Program/Budget Estimates for the DON Program/Budget Review

Budget Guidance Memorandum BG 11-1G - April 19, 2011

The purpose of this budget guidance memo is to provide guidance for the preparation and submission of FY 2013 program/budget estimates for the Department of the Navy program/budget review.

Consideration of Costs in the DON Decision Making

DON/AA Memo - January 27, 2011

Pursuant to the memo "Consideration of Costs in DoD Decision-Making" released by Secretary of Defense Robert Gates, effective Feb. 1, 2011, all military departments will use the tools available on OSD's Cost Assessment and Program Evaluation (CAPE) website located at to calculate costs associated with preparin

Consideration of Costs in DoD Decision-Making

SECDEF Memo - December 27, 2010

On Aug. 9, 2010, Secretary of Defense Robert Gates directed that any new proposal or initiative, large or small, be it policy, program or ceremony, come with a cost estimate. To implement this plan, the director, Cost Assessment and Program Evaluation, working with the military departments, established a Cost Guidance Group to develop guidance, methods and tools that assist DoD employees in estimating costs associated ...

Clarification of Scope Associated with FY11 DON Enterprise Architecture Compliance Reviews

DON CIO Memo - October 6, 2010

This memo clarifies the scope of the Department of the Navy Enterprise Architecture compliance reviews to be performed during FY11. It states that DON EA compliance reviews will only be required for information management/information technology (IM/IT) programs, projects, investments and initiatives that are required to be registered in the DON variant of the Department of Defense Information Technology Portfolio ...

Release of DON Enterprise Architecture Applicability and Usage Guide

DON CIO Memo - October 1, 2010

This document provides a detailed explanation of the content contained in the Department of the Navy Enterprise Architecture v2.0.000, which was released July 30, 2010. It also provides specific applicability and compliance requirements for each individual artifact contained in DON EA v2.0.000. Enforcement of compliance with DON EA v2.0.000 will commence Oct. 1, 2010. This document is intended for all: Program Offices ...

Release of Department of the Navy Enterprise Architecture Governance and Configuration Management Plans

DON CIO Memo - September 15, 2010

The purpose of this memo is to announce the release of Department of the Navy Enterprise Architecture (EA) Governance and Configuration Management (CM) Plan. These documents formalize the governance and CM framework and processes, which have been piloted since May 2009. The DON EA Governance formalizes the roles, responsibilities and standard operating procedures of the DON EA Approval Board, DON EA working group and ...

Governance and Title 40/Clinger-Cohen Act Compliance Confirmation Processes Memorandum Number 2

DON CIO Memo - September 3, 2010

This memo identifies the current proactive Clinger-Cohen Act (CCA) programs. It states that by proactively integrating CCA criteria into key information technology/National Security Systems (IT/NSS) programs during their foundational planning period, the department can ensure sound IT/NSS decision making that is consistent with DoD and DON policy and guidance. The Department of the Navy Chief Information Officer and ...

DON Exhibit 300 UPASS Guide for SNaP-IT

DON Guidance - July 30, 2010

The DON Exhibit 300 UPASS Guide for SNaP-IT provides program and project managers guidance on the completion of the Capital Asset Plan and Business Case (Exhibit 300) in the DoD automated SNaP-IT system for required Major Automated Information Systems and Initiatives. This guide describes the content required for each question and provides links to applicable policy and procedural documents both internal and external ...

Certification of Compliance with Information Technology Systems Registration

DTG 242248Z JUL 10 - July 24, 2010

This Naval message directs all DON Mission Critical, Mission Essential and Mission Support information technology systems, including National Security Systems, to be registered in the DoD IT Portfolio Repository-Department of the Navy (DITPR-DON).

DON Non-Tier Review Dispositions

DON CIO Memo - May 6, 2010

This memo authorizes DON Deputy Chief Information Officers (Navy and Marine Corps) to provide a Non-Tier Disposition of "review/accepted" and "review/rejected." It also describes a broad spectrum of potential consequences, which would result from a "review/rejected" disposition.

DON DoD Architecture Framework v2.0 Implementation Guidance

DON CIO Memo - March 22, 2010

This memo is an update to the initial DON DODAF 2.0 Guidance, which was released March 2009. It provides implementation guidance on the DON requirements for compliance with DoDAF v2.0 and its underlying data model. Enclosure 1 to the memo has been updated as of June 1, 2010.

Information Technology Portfolio Management Implementation

SECNAVINST 5230.14 - November 9, 2009

This instruction establishes Department of the Navy policies and procedures for the management of information technology and national security systems investments as portfolios across the DON enterprise that focuses on improving DON capabilities and mission outcomes. It also establishes standard operating procedures that leverage the existing decisional processes of Planning, Programming, Budgeting, and Execution ...

DON Information Management/Information Technology Investment Review Process Guidance (v4.0)

DON CIO Memo - October 1, 2009

The DON IM/IT Investment Review Process Guidance v4.0 of Oct. 1, 2009, supersedes the DON IT Business System Certification and Annual Review Guidance v3.0 of Dec. 19, 2007. It reflects the changes in the Department of Defense certification and annual review requirements for Defense Business Systems (DBSs) promulgated by the DoD IT DBSs Investment Review Process Guidance of Jan. 21, 2009. It also reflects the changes in ...

Assessment of Compliance with DON Enterprise Architecture as Part of Title 40/Clinger-Cohen Act Compliance Confirmation Process

DON CIO Memo - September 21, 2009

The purpose of this memorandum is to provide guidance on the requirement that all Department of the Navy Information Technology, including National Security System investments, requesting Title 40/Clinger-Cohen Act (Title 40/CCA) Compliance Confirmation, be compliant with the Department of the Navy Enterprise Architecture (DON EA). Assessment of compliance with the DON EA, as part of the Title 40/CCA Compliance ...

DON Enterprise Architecture Compliance Waiver Request and Approval Process

DON CIO Memo - September 21, 2009

The purpose of this memorandum is to provide guidance for the formal Department of the Navy Enterprise Architecture (DON EA) waiver request and approval process. Assessment of compliance of Information Technology, including National Security System investments with the DON EA will begin Oct. 1, 2009, as part of three existing processes: Department of the Navy Information Management/Information Technology Investment ...

DITPR and DoD SIPRNET IT Registry Guidance

DoD Memo - August 10, 2009

This memo rescinds and replaces the Sept. 6, 2007, Department of Defense Information Technology Portfolio Repository (DITPR) and DoD SIPRNET IT Registry Guidance 2007-2008 memo. This memo directs that all IT and National Security Systems must be registered in DITPR.

Alignment of Two-Pass/Six-Gate Governance and Title 40/CCA Compliance Confirmation Processes

DON CIO Memo - July 8, 2009

The purpose of this policy memo is to provide additional guidance on DON implementation of Title 40/Clinger-Cohen Act and related statutes governing the acquisition of information technology, including National Security Systems. It also aligns this implementation with the DON Two-Pass/Six Gate Governance Process.

DON Telecommunications Optimization 2009 Strategy

DON Guidance - March 26, 2009

The Department of the Navy Telecommunication Working Group's DON Telecommunications Optimization 2009 Strategy plan outlines its key areas of focus for 2009. These include: governance, strategic sourcing and automated tools.

Implementation of Master Record Functionality in DADMS/DITPR-DON

DTG 021936Z JAN 09 - January 2, 2009

This Naval message directs all Department of the Navy functional area managers (FAMS) to create master records for Department of the Navy Application and Database Management System (DADMS) applications and Department of Defense IT Portfolio Repository-Department of the Navy (DITPR-DON) systems within their respective functional areas.

Capability Portfolio Management

DoD Directive 7045.2 - September 25, 2008

This directive establishes policy and assigns responsibilities for the use of capability portfolio management to advise senior leadership on capability investment pursuant to the authority vested in the Secretary of Defense by section 113 of title 10, United States Code.

DON IT Capital Planning Guide

DON Guidance - March 31, 2008

The DON IT Capital Planning Guide provides a framework to assist managers and decision-makers in the effective selection, management and evaluation of IT investments. The guide describes the capital planning legislative background and processes and its linkage to the Department's Planning, Programming and Budgeting System, IT strategic planning, business process reengineering, performance metrics and the acquisition ...

Clinger-Cohen Act Compliance Certification of MAIS for FY08

DoD Memo - March 13, 2008

This memo details DoD CIO requirements for compliance with the Section 8068(c) of the Defense Appropriations Act of 2008 with respect to certification of Major Automated Information Systems programs undergoing CCA review in FY08. Section 8068(c) re-enacted the provision contained in the FY07 Act at Section 8066(c). For DON implementation, MAIS programs undergoing CCA review in FY08 will prepare only the five ...

Defense Business Enterprise Architecture, System Accountability and Conditions for Obligation of Funds for Defense Business System Modernization

10 U.S.C § 332 - January 2, 2008

Defense Business Enterprise Architecture, System Accountability and Conditions for Obligation of Funds for Defense Business System Modernization

Updated DON Guidance for BEA Compliance Assessment to Address Additional Requirement of the Real Property and Inventory Life Cycle Management

DTG 161552Z MAY 07 - May 16, 2007

This Naval message contains updated Department of the Navy Guidance for program managers of DON Defense Business Systems whose primary mission area and domain is Real Property and Inventory Life Cycle Management.

Information Technology Portfolio Management

DoD Directive 8115.1 - October 10, 2005

This directive establishes policy and assigns responsibilities for the management of DoD information technology investments as portfolios that focus on improving DoD capabilities and mission outcomes.

Implementation and Operation of the Defense Acquisition System and the Joint Capabilities Integration and Development System

SECNAVINST 5000.2C - November 19, 2004

This instruction serves to issue mandatory procedures for Department of the Navy implementation of DoDD 5000.1 and DoDI 5000.2 for major and non-major defense acquisition programs and major and non-major information technology acquisition programs.

Component Support Department of Defense IT Portfolio Review Process

DoD Memo - July 13, 2004

This memo applies to all Mission Areas and Domains and establishes the Department of the Navy's DON Application and Database Management System (DADMS) as the collection platform (to be referred to as the DoD Information Technology Portfolio Data Repository) in support of portfolio management of IT investments.

DADMS Configuration Control Board Charter

DON CIO Memo - October 18, 2002

This charter supports the establishment of DADMS as the authoritative data source for information about DON information technology applications and databases. It establishes the DADMS Configuration Control Board as the body to address and prioritize Navy and Marine Corps requirements for DADMS support.

Designation of the DON Application and Database Management System as an Authoritative Data Source

DON CIO Memo - October 18, 2002

This memo establishes the DON Application and Database Management System (DADMS) as the Authoritative Data Source for DON IT and National Security Systems applications and database inventory and IT systems registration. Further, this memo establishes the charter for the DADMS Configuration Control Board to address and prioritize the Navy and Marine Corps requirements for DADMS.

Clinger-Cohen Act Compliance Policy (original 2002 DoD/DON implementation)

Joint ASN (RD&A) DON CIO Memo - June 6, 2002

This memo states that the enclosed OSD Memo: Clinger-Cohen Act Compliance Policy of 8 March 2002 must be implemented immediately within the Department. The Clinger-Cohen Act Compliance Table and confirmation cover sheets (use appropriate sheet) must be used to obtain CCA compliance confirmation. The

DON IT Investment Evaluation Guide

DON Guidance - July 12, 2001

The DON IT Investment Evaluation Guide is a tool that provides a thorough process for evaluating IT programs and projects. This handbook will assist executive management, program managers, team leaders, team members and the IT Workforce in general, in the evaluation of Automated Information Systems, including National Security Systems.

Designation of Mission Critical and Mission Essential Information Systems

SECNAV Memo - March 28, 2001

This memo is the delegation of authority by SECNAV to make "mission critical" and "mission essential" determinations for DON information systems, including National Security Systems. The DoD implementation of section 811 of the FY 2001 National Defense Authorization Act resulted in revisions to the DoDI 5000.2, including definitions of mission critical and mission essential information systems. The definitions also ...

Minimum Criteria For Funding Information Technology Investments

DON CIO Memo - February 2, 2001

This memo provides amplifying information concerning the extent to which claimants must apply the minimum criteria for services acquired from the NMCI contract.

DON Information Technology Enterprise-Wide Investment Policy

DTG 021419Z FEB 99 - February 2, 1999

This Naval Message ensures that the Department of the Navy speaks with one coordinated voice to suppliers when negotiating for most favorable terms and prices on products and services.


DON Responds to BMA Requirements for FY13

December 17, 2012

The Department of the Navy is implementing changes for the annual review of all systems in the DON Business Mission Area (BMA) beginning in FY13.

Building a Strong Foundation for Future Success

October 24, 2012

"We can't solve problems by using the same kind of thinking we used when we created them." Albert Einstein said these words two generations ago, and yet they ring even more true today. But, we must not stop there. While it is vital that we use current solutions, best practices and technologies to enable our immediate success, we must also maintain a steadfast eye on the horizon for future requirements, industry trends ...

DON Prepares for Audit Readiness

September 14, 2012

The first Department of the Navy audit readiness video has been released. Audit readiness is for everyone, not just government financial types. The DON has a requirement to produce certified financial statements by 2017. To attain that goal we must be audit ready. Are you audit ready?

Share Your Cost Savings Ideas

September 3, 2012

If you have good ideas on how to save money through improving management of the Department of the Navy's IT, improving existing processes through insertion of IT or changing existing processes to save money, the DON Chief Information Officer would like to know.

Data Centers: What Are They?

February 20, 2012

The Department of the Navy must reduce its business IT costs by 25 percent over the next five years. One way the DON is doing this is through data center consolidation. But, what is a data center? A data center is a facility used to house computer systems and associated components, such as telecommunications and storage systems. ...

DON IT Business Transformation Focuses on Enterprise Solutions

February 14, 2012

The Department of the Navy Chief Information Officer discussed the Department's IT business transformation efforts to prepare for a fiscally constrained future with enterprise and joint solutions that are effective, efficient and agile during the DON Information Technology Conference in San Diego.

Message from the DON CIO

by Terry Halvorsen - January 17, 2012

Happy New Year! This year, the Department of the Navy will build on the efforts of 2011 as we continue on our difficult but necessary journey to transform the way the department manages its business information technology. Finding ways to become more effective in how we acquire and operate IT will lead to decreased costs and ensure we hit the target of reducing the IT budget by 25 percent by 2017.

Message from the DON CIO: Finding IT Efficiencies, Challenging but Necessary Work

by Terry Halvorsen - October 27, 2011

It has been a busy year for the Department of the Navy Chief Information Officer staff and the information technology efficiencies integrated product teams (IPT) as we analyze how the DON can improve the way business IT is purchased, managed and operated. This hard work will enhance the department's effectiveness, as well as result in real savings, as we grapple with shrinking budgets.

IT Expenditure Approval Authorities Established

October 13, 2011

In another move to promote effectiveness and efficiencies in the Department of the Navy, the Navy, Marine Corps and DON Secretariat have each designated an Information Technology Expenditure Approval Authority (ITEAA). The ITEAAs are responsible for ensuring that all IT projects undertaken in the Department are integral parts of rationalized portfolios, aligned with DON and Department of Defense enterprise architectures.

CANES Program Successfully Achieves Critical Design Review

by SPAWAR - July 27, 2011

The Consolidated Afloat Networks and Enterprise Services (CANES) program recently achieved a significant engineering milestone with the completion of Critical Design Reviews (CDR) for the two competing CANES systems being developed by Lockheed Martin Mission Systems and Sensors and Northrop Grumman Information Systems.

Message From the DON CIO: Changing the IT Business Model

by Terry Halvorsen - July 27, 2011

The Department of the Navy must change the way it manages its business information technology (IT) systems. It is the reality of these fiscally constrained times; and frankly, it is the right thing to do as good stewards of taxpayer money.

DON Standard BCA Template Updated

July 26, 2011

An update to the Department of the Navy Standard Business Case Analysis Template, as well as a new user guide, is now available on the DON Chief Information Officer website.

Data Center Consolidation Guidance Released

July 25, 2011

The Department of the Navy Chief Information Officer signed out formal data center consolidation guidance officially establishing a moratorium on the purchase of additional data center capacity.

DON Enterprise Architecture: Supporting Effectiveness and Efficiencies

by Victor Ecarma - May 3, 2011

The Department of the Navy Enterprise Architecture (EA), with its initial release in July 2009 and version 2.0.000 release in July 2010, continues to support departmental efforts toward effectiveness and efficiency by providing standardized processes, detailed guidance and a central location for DON EA information. By using the DON EA, program managers can avoid duplication of effort and more quickly produce enterprise ...

Using the DON Enterprise Architecture to Support Critical Decision-Making Processes

by Victor Ecarma - March 4, 2010

The DON Enterprise Architecture helps decision makers make informed decisions about investments in new technology and, at the same time, capitalize upon vast existing technology assets. In addition, the DON EA is focused on maintaining alignment between the Department's goals and objectives, and its information management/information technology (IM/IT) investments.

Memo Articulates DON EA Near-Term Strategy

March 13, 2009

The Department of the Navy Chief Information Officer recently signed out the DON Enterprise Architecture (EA) Strategy Memo, a first in a series of memos, to articulate the near-term strategy for continued development of the DON EA. The memo establishes direction to ensure alignment of all DON, Navy and Marine Corps programs and initiatives to the Joint Staff devel


DoD IT BCA and DON Enterprise IT Abbreviated BCA Templates

August 13, 2015

The DoD Information Technology Business Case Analysis (BCA) Template and the DON Enterprise IT Abbreviated BCA template, are used to provide fact-based information to support a recommended course of action for IT related projects or acquisitions. BCAs are required in accordance with DoD CIO memo: "Use of Enterprise Information Technology Standard Business Case," as well the DON BCA policy, ...

Financial Information System Working Group milBook Site

July 9, 2014

Along with the Finance and Accounting Systems Division of the Office of Financial Operations (FMO-1), the Department of the Navy Chief Information Officer co-sponsors the Financial Information System Working Group (FISWG), which is chartered by the larger Audit Readiness Steering Committee. The mission of the FISWG is to achieve and sustain an audit ready financial systems environment by defining a DON financial systems ...

DON Enterprise IT Abbreviated Standard BCA Template

July 20, 2012

To better enable the Department of the Navy Chief Information Officer and stakeholders to address the Under Secretary of the Navy's direction to improve the efficiency of the department's information technology and cyberspace-related procurement and business processes using business case analyses (BCAs), the DON Chief Information Officer established an abbreviated BCA template.

Clinger-Cohen Act Compliance Confirmation Signature Sheet

March 21, 2012

The signature sheet below should be used as a cover to the CCA Table and IA Strategy being submitted for review. These documents are referenced in the Clinger-Cohen Act Compliance policy (original 2002 Department of Defense/Department of the Navy implementation) and in current CCA compliance guidance found in SECNAVINST 5000.2E.

IT Investment Management

March 27, 2008

The DON CIO provides the Department IT investment management guidance by providing oversight of capital planning, business case preparation and review, portfolio management and the DoD IT Portfolio Registry (DITPR)-DON.

Defense Business System Modernization Certification Approval FAQs

January 11, 2008

Included in the attachment is a list of frequently asked questions regarding the Defense Business System Modernization Certification Approval process.