Common Access Card

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DON Secure Hash Algorithm Migration

DON CIO Memo - June 15, 2011

This memo provides the Department of the Navy with execution guidance in response to Department of Defense (and Federal Government) direction to migrate to the use of a stronger cryptographic hash algorithm for network security (authentication activities including CAC logon and digital signatures).

DON Policy Updates for Use of NIPRNET Public Key Infrastructure Software Certificates

DTG 031859Z DEC 08 - December 3, 2008

This Naval message details policy changes that have been made as a result of an impact assessment and data call conducted by the DON CIO to understand where software certificates are used in the Department's unclassified environments.

Approval of External Public Key Infrastructures

DoD CIO Memo - July 22, 2008

This Department of Defense memo approves the use of Public Key Infrastructure certificates issued by non-DoD external organizations after successful completion of interoperability testing.

DoD Implementation Guide for Transitional PIV II SP 800-73 v1

DoD Guide - March 1, 2006

This guide specifies technical details for implementing interagency PIV I and PIV II National Institute of Standards and Technology Special Publication 800-73v1 requirements in the DoD CAC environment. It documents how the DoD common access card and middleware are implemented with PIV.

Smart Card Senior Coordinating Group

Department of Defense Charter - April 14, 2000

By direction of Congress, the Secretary of Defense chartered a Smart Card Senior Coordinating Group to develop and implement department-wide interoperability standards for use of smart card technology and a plan to exploit smart card technology as a means for enhancing readiness and improving business processes.


NMCI's Ever-Improving Security Profile

May 11, 2012

The Navy Marine Corps Intranet (NMCI) continues to improve its security profile by increasing the use of smartcard credentials for network authentication. The network has established interoperability with Personal Identity Verification (PIV) smartcards issued by non-Department of Defense agencies and departments. ...

DON Current and Future PKI and PKE Activities

by James Mauck - May 18, 2010

The Secretary of Defense has embraced public key cryptography as a critical component of defense-in-depth and contributor to the overall Department of Defense information assurance (IA) strategy for protecting its information and networks. DoD Instruction 8520.2, "Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) and Public Key Enabling (PKE)" establishes the requirements for PK-enabling all email, private web servers and networks.

Identity Management Operations to Improve Cybersecurity

by Sonya Smith - February 26, 2010

The December 2008 report written by the Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS) Commission on Cybersecurity for the 44th Presidency, "Securing Cyberspace for the 44th Presidency," began with one central finding: "The United States must treat cybersecurity as one of the most important security challenges it faces."

BlackBerries and CACs Get Connected

by Mike Hernon - December 3, 2007

The Department of the Navy is a dynamic enterprise with personnel constantly on the move between the office, temporary duty assignments and military deployments. Maintaining connectivity to voice and data services is essential to mobile workers so that they may perform their jobs as efficiently and effectively as possible. This capability, referred to as "enterprise mobility," is a critical component of the ongoing work ...