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CHIPS Articles: Initiative and Innovation Equal Information Dominance

Initiative and Innovation Equal Information Dominance
By CWO2 Scott K. Bryson, Naval Computer and Telecommunications Station Far East Detachment Chinhae - October-December 2015
(Chinhae, South Korea) -- Every great idea starts as a small spark. A Sailor at NAVCOMTELSTA FAR EAST, Chinhae was preparing to DRMO outdated equipment when he realized what he could create with the antiquated machines.

IT1(IDW) Adam Kissinger presented a plan to his Chief and Officer in Charge who gave him the green light for his project. Spending well over 100 off-duty hours, IT1 Kissinger, with the assistance of IT2(IDW) Thunem, completely built a self-contained, zero-cost, fully operational training laboratory.

"The Sailors here are able to apply practical knowledge on an actual network. By allowing them to experiment here they increase their knowledge exponentially without causing permanent failures that would be catastrophic in the fleet," said CWO2 Scott K. Bryson.

Possessing a wealth of knowledge in networking, IT2 Kershner has been designated as the Lab Supervisor. He is able to incorporate advancement and academic curricula to ensure trainees stay current in their field. Since its inception, three Sailors have passed CompTIA exams including the coveted Advanced Security Practitioner certification. The network itself is comprised of several Dell computers and servers completely loaded with zero-restrictive access.

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CHIPS is an official U.S. Navy website sponsored by the Department of the Navy (DON) Chief Information Officer, the Department of Defense Enterprise Software Initiative (ESI) and the DON's ESI Software Product Manager Team at Space and Naval Warfare Systems Center Pacific.

Online ISSN 2154-1779; Print ISSN 1047-9988