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CHIPS Articles: White House Releases the first-ever Federal Cybersecurity Workforce Strategy

White House Releases the first-ever Federal Cybersecurity Workforce Strategy
By CHIPS Magazine - July 18, 2016
The Federal Cybersecurity Workforce Strategy, released July 12, directs a series of actions to identify, recruit, develop, retain, and expand the pipeline of the best, brightest, and most diverse cybersecurity talent for federal service and national security.

The White House announcement states:

"Every day, Federal departments and agencies face sophisticated and persistent cyber threats that pose strategic, economic, and security challenges to our Nation. Addressing these cyber threats has required a bold reassessment of the way we approach security in the digital age and a significant investment in critical security tools and our cybersecurity workforce. These threats demand that we continue to enhance the security of the Federal digital infrastructure and improve the ability to detect and respond to cyber incidents as they occur."

The announcement can be read here.

The Strategy establishes four key initiatives:

. Identify Cybersecurity Workforce Needs.
. Expand the Cybersecurity Workforce through Education and Training.
. Recruit the Nation's Best Cyber Talent for Federal Service.
. Retain and Develop Highly Skilled Talent.

Cybersecurity is a shared responsibility among agency leadership, employees, contractors, private industry, and the American people. The Workforce Strategy details numerous initiatives to harness this collective power and help strengthen the security of Federal networks, systems, and assets. To address cybersecurity challenges in the immediate future, the Administration will invest in the existing Federal workforce through initiatives focused on training and retaining existing talent. At the same time, the government will adjust the way it recruits; including the way it approaches talented students and potential employees in the cybersecurity workforce outside Federal service, according to the announcement.

These changes will take time to implement, and the Workforce Strategy’s long-term success will depend on the attention, innovation, and resources from all levels of government. The initiatives discussed in this Strategy represent a meaningful first step toward engaging federal and non-federal stakeholders and provide the resources necessary to establish, strengthen, and grow a pipeline of cybersecurity talent well into the future.

Read the strategy located here.

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